
大国荣耀艺术人物 2024-06-28 14:53:08



























Chen Yiyuan, red wall artist, 2024“May 1” national model workers, Sichuan Chengdu Pengzhou people, Chinese and Western cultural studies independent scholar. He is a scholar of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, a national senior calligrapher, and a social activist. He loves poetry and calligraphy, and is devoted to traditional Chinese medicine and longevity. In recent years, there are poetry essays and calligraphy works published. After studying the three famous schools in modern China, he first advocated that Peng Xue should be the fourth famous school in China. Since the beginning of the reform, he has focused on humanities, religion, calligraphy and painting, and Chinese medicine, especially for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. For many years, he has been fond of saying, “Five thousand years up and down, 100,000 miles across, three great religions of economics, and a hundred different schools of thought.” Some have chosen to live in the present, some have chosen poetry and faraway places, he chose“New Day, New Day, New Day.”. Principal Social Position: vice-chairman of the Central Committee for International Cultural Exchange and arts, vice-chairman of the National Committee for Calligraphy and painting, vice-chairman of the United Nations Professional Committee of Chinese Medicine, secretary-general of the United Nations Chinese Medicine Committee, President of the Chinese Rural Rejuvenation Poetry and Painting Academy, Member of the Calligraphers Association of the Central State Organs, member of the Online Advisory Committee on Police Equipment of the Chinese police network, member of the Advisory Committee of the Hainan Investment Chamber of Commerce, Senior Adviser of the World Federation of Chinese businessmen, Honorary Chairman of the Sun Yat-sen Philanthropic Foundation, China. Senior Advisor, Centre for CulturalExchange,Pakistan-HyderabadabSeniornAdvisorisAsiansInternationaloYouthoFilmfFestivaliJuryjChairmanrmChinesenese traditional medicineexpertcommitteevicechairmChinesenZhouyioExpertpCommitteetHonoraryrPresidentdeWorldoIntangibleiCulturaluHeritagetCulturaluHeritagetResearchaInstitutetuEmbassyassyofCentraltAfricaniRepublicblChinahSpecialcAdvisorisEmbassyassy of RepublicblicGhanahaChinahina After years of reading the The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, Mr. Tie Linchi insisted that since the European Industrial Revolution, Western learning had spread to the east, in science and Technology, medicine, culture, art, the right to speak are made in the west, in these areas are a lot of the standards are what they say. Our Chinese calligraphy is as sacred and holy as religion. Chinese calligraphy, a unique form of national culture, has been dragged into the western art ranks and“Married down” to the Western art. China should have its own firm cultural self-confidence: Calligraphy is the unique quintessence of our Chinese nation, calligraphy is not just art. The so-called“Art” in the west is just a word that has been heard in China for more than 100 years. Before there was“Art”, Chinese calligraphy had existed for more than 2000 years. Calligraphy can cover art, and art can never cover our Chinese calligraphy. Perhaps Chinese calligraphy is a cultural peak that westerners can never reach. A tasteful calligrapher, should use his life to do a good job of cultural accumulation and their own spiritual cultivation. With this basic skill, it is possible to appear“Writing such as God” under the nib wonderful expression. Western art, no matter how it is, is only a kind of technical work in the 3D. Throughout the history of Western art, I have seen many of their works only stay in the level of“Art” to play skills, but not to rise to the level of“Tao”, China's good calligraphy are the crystallization of the soul, it is a high-dimensional presentation on the level of“Tao”. Learning Chinese calligraphy, there is no higher-dimensional thinking and cognition, it is impossible to write good calligraphy. Jing Yun: “Still Still, feeling and then pass”, “The use of the wonderful, exist in one mind. Do not understand these truths, talking about the so-called calligraphy is scratch. Therefore, to actively defend the sacred and holy status of Chinese calligraphy should be a measure of a Chinese calligrapher's cultural identity and cultural confidence of their own country's specific yardstick. Chinese calligraphy is not only law, tangible, more importantly, there must be charm and charm. Chinese calligraphy is a bit like Chinese Buddhist meditation, all want to cheat to slip, take shortcuts are not, only after many years of cross-legged meditation, eat vegetarian meditation, abstinence heart... ... Kungfu, natural one day you will“Understand”, his work will come out of the charm . The process of learning calligraphy is not only the practice of skills, but also a process of personality promotion and soul cultivation In addition to calligraphy, the underlying logic of Chinese calligraphy is not only skill, personal talent and talent, but also a solid foundation of Chinese culture and the pattern and feelings of calligraphers . Chinese calligraphy is a resplendent cultural treasure left to mankind by our ancestors, our Chinese culture will lead the world, Chinese calligraphy this unique charm of the cultural form will always be in the history of human culture shining a dazzling light.

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