
大国荣耀艺术人物 2024-05-24 23:46:39

马承勇、男、汉族、1954 年生于上海。自幼在沈尹默大师启萌下;后专攻二王、柳、欧、颜、赵体、篆刻及画等。1972 年应征入伍、在部队荣立过三等功、入了党。毕业于中国书画大学;国家级一级书法师;享受国务院特殊津贴,亚洲国际青年电影节评审团主席;中国文联书画艺术中心顾问;全国非遗文化传承副会长;中国国家博物馆研究员;全国艺术职称考级中心首席专家;国家美术师及润格评审委员会艺术顾问;国宾礼艺术顾问;国家高级美术师;中国书法家协会理事,高级注册教师;清华大学客座教授;中央美术学院客座教授;牛津艺术学院博士生导师;CCTV 决策中国专家智库"客座教授";中国书画产业研究基地主席团成员;中国硬笔书法协会高级书法培训师;上海书法考级中心(艺道阁)书法考级基地主任。人民书画报理事会主席。中国王羲之书画艺术研究院上海分院院长。2021 年度由全国艺术家信息公示中心授予"中国书法终身成就奖;马承勇老师长期从事书法培训工作,教育培养了一批又一批书法的学生,为传承书法艺术做出了一定的贡献! 作品从 1990 起几十次全国性书法赛得大奖;2013 年度《中国书法家协会注册教师作品集》刊登;《书画研究》第 6 期刊登;《中国篆书选集》《中国楷书选集》《中国行书选集》入选刊登;在中华民族艺术交流评选活动评选"书法创作卓越奖";庆祝中华人民共和国成立 65 周年中国当代书法家马承勇书法纪作品念邮票、电话卡、明信片;2015 年羊年中国当代书法家马承勇书法名信片-中国邮政发行;2015 中国国际艺术家协会授予:中国当代最具收藏价值的书画名家、2015 海内外中国书画精品大赛中荣获银奖;2016 年猴年中国当代书法家马承勇书法名信片-中国邮政发行;2017 年在第十七界中国世纪大风采总结表彰大会暨 CCTV 年度人物盛典中,被评为"中国当代最具特色书画家";2018 度在中国文联出版"中国书画传承代表人物-致敬经典";2019 年度书法作品“厚德载物”被"中国国家博物馆收藏";2021年年度庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年马承勇纪念邮票发行;作品纳入文联出版《2020 年世界华人艺术名家收藏年鉴典藏集》,並担任"特邀编委";2021 年度由美术档案出版社出版"中国艺坛榜样人物马承勇";2021 年度由全国艺术家信息公示中心授予"中国书法终身成就奖";2022 年度由 CCTV 决策中国专家智库"客座教授";2022 年由中共中央宣传部颁发"时代楷模"荣誉证书;2022 年 10月书法作品祝贺庆祝党的二十大胜利召开之际在人民日报上刊登。2023年度马承勇书法“雲海松涛”被人民大会堂收藏。

Ma Chengyong, male, Han nationality, was born in Shanghai in 1954. He was trained under Master Qi Meng of Shen yinmo and specialized in erwang, Liu, ou, Yan, Zhao ti, seal carving and painting. In 1972, enlisted in the army, in the third-class honor, joined the party. Graduated from China University of calligraphy and painting; National first-class calligrapher; president of the Jury of the Asian International Youth Film Festival with Special Allowance from the State Council; consultant of the calligraphy and painting art center of the China Federation of Literature and art; vice-president of the national inheritance of intangible cultural heritage; National Museum of China researcher, chief expert of the National Art Title Examination Center, Art Consultant of the National Committee of Fine Artists and grid judges, art consultant of the State Protocol, national senior artist, Chinese Calligrphers Association director, senior registered teacher, visiting professor at Tsinghua University, Visiting Professor of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Professor at Oxford College of Art, visiting professor at CCTV decision-making think tank, member of the Presidium of China Painting and calligraphy industry research base; Senior calligraphy trainer of China Calligraphy Association; Director of calligraphy grading base of Shanghai calligraphy grading center (Yidaoge) . Chairman of the Council of People's pictorial newspapers. Director of the Shanghai Branch of the Wang Xizhi Chinese Academy of Painting and calligraphy. Ma Chengyong has been engaged in calligraphy training for a long time, and has made a certain contribution to the 2021 of calligraphy art by educating and training groups of students in calligraphy! Works since 1990 dozens of national calligraphy competition won the grand prize;

In 2013, the Chinese Calligrphers Association published works of registered teachers, the sixth issue of calligraphy and painting research, the anthology of Chinese Seal Script, the anthology of regular script and the anthology of Chinese running script Celebrating the 65th anniversary of the founding of the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China of the People's Republic of China, Chinese contemporary calligrapher Ma Chengyong presented his calligraphy works with stamps, phone cards and postcards 2015 Chinese contemporary calligrapher Ma Chengyong Calligraphy postcard-china post issue; In 2015, China International Artists Association awarded: China's most valuable contemporary collection of painting and Calligraphy Masters, 2015 at home and abroad in the Chinese painting and Calligraphy Competition won the silver award; Chinese contemporary calligrapher Ma Chengyong's postcard for the year of the monkey 2016-issued by China Post; and 2017, at the 17th China century grand style summary and Commendation Conference and CCTV Annual People's Gala, in 2018, he published “The representative of the inheritance of Chinese calligraphy and painting -- a tribute to theics” in the China Federation of Literature and art, and in 2019, his calligraphy work “Hou de zai wu” was “Collected by the National Museum of China” The 2021 celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with the publication of Ma Chengyong's Commemorative stamp works, which were included in the 2020 Almanac Collection of the world's Chinese artists published by the Federation of Literary and cultural affairs and served as the “Invited editorial board” The 2021 was published by the art archives publishing house “Ma Chengyong, a model of Chinese art”, and the 20212021 artist information publicity center awarded the “Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese calligraphy” In 2022, the CCTV decision-making Chinese expert think tank “Visiting Professor”, in 2022 by the Central Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China “Model for the times” honorary certificate; In October 2022, calligraphy works were published in the People's daily on the occasion of celebrating the party's 20th National Congress. Ma Chengyong's 2023“Song Tao of Mare Nubium” is collected by the Great Hall of the people.

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