
摄影本源科技 2024-07-31 04:48:40
作者:邢志广John Sing a Song 不情愿地,她从东北到西南,自然的力量存在于所有人类中,没人能逃避。 她独自一人徘徊在未被洗净的地方,那里有她,生前无人歌唱她的荣耀!而直到今天,赞美她的人寥寥无几。 一片紫色的苍白蔷薇,在一块灰色的石头旁,半掩半隐,静默无声。如星辰一般美丽,但她是东北的一员, 在天空中闪耀。她栖息于未被洗净的世界,她的生活默默无闻,如今在她的墓碑, 更少人知晓,我猜,那高地并不受宠。她来自东北。从东北到西南, 千万里,不比长征少。这不是流放,而比流放更苦涩。 Unwillingly, she came From and To - the Northeast and Southwest. Natural power exists to all Human none could escape. She dwelt upon alone the unwashed, A woman there, were none to sing High when she’s alive! And very few to Praise More till this date. A pale of violet by a grey Stone, Half hidden and silent from the eye. Fair as a star, but One of Northeast is shining in the Sky. And she dwelt Upon the unwashed, She lived unknown for her Life, And now in her Stone, Fewer known, and I guess the highlands may not preferred. She’s from Northeast. From Northeast to Southwest it’s, Thousands of millions of miles along! It’s not exile but bitter than that on Highland. - the End -
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