
凡白聊旅游 2025-01-16 16:44:59
"ChaoShan"——Chaozhou-Shantou is a place located in the south of China, a city in Guangdong Province. It is famous for its delicious food, Chinese Tea Culture and warm-hearted people. · As the Chinese New Year approaches, Chaozhou-Shantou is filled with a strong traditional New Year atmosphere and is very lively. Welcome everyone to travel and experience it! · 🚩citywalk: Day 1:广济桥 ➠ 广济楼 ➠ 牌坊街 ➠ 开元寺 ➠ 西马路 ➠ 打银街 ➠ 潮州西湖 Day 2:汕头旅社 ➠ 潮汕善堂文化展览馆 ➠ 老妈宫关帝庙&戏台 ➠ 汕头消防史馆 ➠ 天主教主教座堂 ➠ 汕头小公园 ·

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