在《感染性疾病与免疫(英文)》2023年第2期中,陈志海教授团队发表了题为“Difference of Clinical Characteristics in Patients with Omicron and Delta Variants of SARS-CoV-2 in Beijing, China”的论著。内容简介、中英文摘要及作者简介如下:
Delta和Omicron变异株是2021年以来全球流行的两个主要新型冠状病毒变异株。本研究表明感染Delta变异株的患者病情更重、以发热和咳嗽为主要症状,更易出现肺炎。而感染Omicron变异株的患者大多病情较轻,以咽干或咽痛为主的上呼吸道症状更为突出,只有少数患者发展为肺炎。此外,与Delta变异株感染者相比,Omicron变异株感染患者的病毒转阴时间更短,肺部炎症好转更快。Authors: Di Tian, YangPan, Ziruo Ge, Xiangjing Kong, Yao Zhang, Qing Zhang, Aibin Wang, Peng Yang, Zhihai Chen
How to cite this article: Tian D, Pan Y,Ge Z, et al. Difference of clinical characteristics in patients with omicron and delta variants of SARS-CoV-2 in Beijing, China. Infect Dis Immun 2023;3(2):75–82. doi: 10.1097/ID9.0000000000000081Funding: This study was supported by the Chang Jiang Scholars program (2019077).02
背景: Delta和Omicron变异株是2021年以来全球流行的两个主要新型冠状病毒变异株。然而,Omicron变异株感染者的临床特征与Delta变异株感染者的明显不同,本研究对此进行了回顾性分析。
结果: 共纳入292例新型冠状病毒感染患者,其中109例患者为Delta变异株感染者、183例患者为Omicron变异株感染者。全基因测序共获得了94个Delta变异毒株和110个Omicron变异毒株(图1)。在110个Omicron变异株中,3个为BA.1.1,53个为BA.2,54个为BA.2.2。Delta变异株感染的患者中,54%(59/109)为普通型患者,明显多于Omicron变异株感染的患者(7%(12/183),P<0.001)。Omicron变异株感染组轻型患者人数明显多于Delta变异株感染组(80% vs.5%,P<0.001)。与Omicron变异株感染组相比,Delta变异株感染组中患有基础疾病或肥胖、60岁以上或未接种疫苗的患者病情更严重,两组之间有统计学差异。Omicron变异株感染组患者的病毒转阴时间比Delta变异株感染组患者短(分别为11.9±5.9天,14.0±5.8天,P=0.003)。在Omicron感染组患者中,104人(57%)有咽干或咽痛的症状,多于Delta组的患者(34%,P<0.001)。Omicron变异株感染组患者的胸部CT肺炎病变好转时间比Delta变异株感染组短(分别为9.0±5.2天,13.2±4.2天,P=0.018)。
图1 基于SARS-CoV-2全基因组序列的邻居连接系统发育树
结论: 感染Delta变异株的患者病情更重、更易出现肺炎,以发热和咳嗽为主要症状。而感染Omicron变异株的患者大多病情较轻,以咽干或咽痛为主的上呼吸道症状更为突出,只有少数患者发展为有肺炎症状的普通型。此外,与Delta变异株感染者相比,Omicron变异株感染患者的病毒转阴时间更短,肺部炎症好转更快。
Background: Delta and Omicron are two main variants that have been prevalent since 2021. However, the Omicron variant of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 shows a less severe clinical presentation and high transmissibility. Therefore, we carried out this retrospective study to evaluate Omicron severity compared with theDelta variant and further comprehend the differences in clinical characteristics in patients with the Omicron variant.
Methods: We extracted clinical data and compared clinical severity, symptoms, vaccination status, laboratory parameters, viral shedding time, and computed tomography (CT) imaging between the two groups of patients, which included 109 COVID-19 cases with the Delta variant and 183 cases with the Omicron variant, from January 19 to April 1, 2022, in Beijing Ditan Hospital. In addition, the Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control conducted whole-genome sequencing.Results: We obtained 94 strains of variants of concern/Delta and 110 strains of variants of concern/Omicron. For the 110 Omicron strains, three were assigned as BA.1.1, 53 as BA.2, and 54 as BA.2.2. Among patients with the Delta variant, 54%(59/109) weremoderate, which was significantly higher than that of patients with the Omicron variant (7% (12/183), P < 0.001). The number of patients with mild symptoms in theOmicron groupwas significantly higher than in the Delta group (80%vs. 35%, P < 0.001). Compared with the Omicron group, patients with underlying diseases or obesity, 60 years or older, or unvaccinated in the Delta group had more severe disease, and there was a significant difference between the two groups. The viral shedding time in the Omicron group was shorter than in the Delta group ((11.9 ± 5.9) vs. (14.0 ± 5.8) days, P = 0.003). Among the 183 patients in theOmicron group, 104 (57%) had dry or sore throat symptoms, more than those in the Delta group (34% (37/109); P < 0.001). In the Delta group, patients in the moderate group had more fever and cough symptoms than those in the mild group. The remission time of CT imaging in the Omicron group was shorter than in the Delta group ((9.0 ± 5.2) vs. (13.2 ± 4.2) days, P = 0.018).Conclusions: Patients with Delta variants are more likely to have pneumonia, mainly with fever and cough symptoms, while patients with the Omicron variant are mostly mild, with more prominent dry or sore throat symptoms. In addition, patients with the Omicron variant have a short viral shedding time and rapid absorption of pneumonia.Keywords: SARS-CoV-2; Delta variant; Omicron variant; Clinical characteristics04
通讯作者 陈志海 主任医师 博士生导师
第一作者 田地 副主任医师
首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院, 博士在读

编辑:Infectious Diseases & Immunity编辑委员会
电话:010-5132 2080, 010-5132 2086