
云的事随心讲 2024-02-11 11:45:57



tar -xzvf solr-8.11.2.gzcd solr-8.11.2执行安装脚本

./bin/install_solr_service.sh /opt/solr-8.11.2.tgz

安装后,会在/etc/default/ 下生成solr.in.sh文件。

2、在rangeradmin下生成solr相关配置cd /opt/ranger-2.3.0-admin/contrib/solr_for_audit_setup/


# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License. #Note:#1. This file is sourced from setup.sh, so make sure there are no spaces after the "="#2. For variable with file path, please provide full path #!/bin/bash #JAVA_HOME to be used by Solr. Solr only support JDK 1.7 and above. If JAVA_HOME is not set#in the env, then please set it here#JAVA_HOME=#The operating system (linux) user used by Solr process. You need to run Solr as the below user and groupSOLR_USER=solrSOLR_GROUP=solr#How long to keep the audit logs. Please note, audit records grows very rapidly. Make sure to#allocate enough memory and disk space to the server running Solr.MAX_AUDIT_RETENTION_DAYS=90 #If you want this script to install Solr, set the value to true. If it is already installed, then set this to false#If it is true, then it will download and install it.#NOTE: If you want the script to install Solr, then this script needs to be executed as root.SOLR_INSTALL=false ### BEGIN: if SOLR_INSTALL==true ####Location to download Solr. If SOLR_INSTALL is true, then SOLR_DOWNLOAD_URL is mandatory #For open source version, pick a mirror from below. Recommended versions are Apache Solr 5.2.1 or above#http://lucene.apache.org/solr/mirrors-solr-latest-redir.html #Note: If possible, use the link from one of the mirror site#SOLR_DOWNLOAD_URL=http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/5.2.1/solr-5.2.1.tgzSOLR_DOWNLOAD_URL= ### END: if SOLR_INSTALL==true ####The folder where Solr is installed. If SOLR_INSTALL=false, then Solr need to be preinstalled, else the setup will#install at the below location#Note: If you are using RPM from LucidWorks in HDP, then Solr is by default installed in the following location:#SOLR_INSTALL_FOLDER=/opt/lucidworks-hdpsearch/solrSOLR_INSTALL_FOLDER=/opt/solr #The location for the Solr configuration for Ranger. This script copies required configuration and#startup scripts to the $SOLR_RANGER_HOME folder.#NOTE: In SolrCloud mode, the data folders are under this folder. So make sure this is on seperate drive# with enough disk space. Have 1TB free disk space on this volume. Also regularly monitor available disk space# for this volume#SOLR_RANGER_HOME=/opt/solr/ranger_audit_serverSOLR_RANGER_HOME=/opt/solr/ranger_audit_server #Port for Solr instance to be used by Ranger.SOLR_RANGER_PORT=8983 #Standalone or SolrCloud. Valid values are "standalone" or "solrcloud"SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=solrcloud#### BEGIN: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=standalone ###########################Location for the data files. Make sure it has enough disk space. Since audits records can grow dramatically,#please have 1TB free disk space for the data folder. Also regularly monitor available disk space for this volumeSOLR_RANGER_DATA_FOLDER=/opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/data#### END: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=standalone ########################## #### BEGIN: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=solrcloud ###########################Comma seperated list of of zookeeper host and path. Give fully qualified domain name for the host#SOLR_ZK=localhost:2181/ranger_auditsSOLR_ZK=hd1:2181,hd2:2181,hd3:2181/ranger_audits#Base URL of the Solr. Used for creating collectionsSOLR_HOST_URL=http://`hostname -f`:${SOLR_RANGER_PORT}#Number of shardsSOLR_SHARDS=1#Number of replicationSOLR_REPLICATION=1#### END: if SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=solrcloud ########################## #Location for the log file. Please note that "solr" or the process owner should have write permission#to log folder#SOLR_LOG_FOLDER=logsSOLR_LOG_FOLDER=/var/log/solr/ranger_audits SOLR_RANGER_COLLECTION=ranger_audits#Memory for Solr. Both min and max memory to the java process are set to this value.#Note: In production, please assign enough memory. It is recommended to have at least 2GB RAM.# Higher the RAM, the better. Solr core can take upto 32GB. For dev test you can use 512m#SOLR_MAX_MEM=2g#SOLR_MAX_MEM=512mSOLR_MAX_MEM=2g


/opt/solr/ranger_audit_server #生成配置文件的路径SOLR_INSTALL_FOLDER=/opt/solr #solr安装路径SOLR_DEPLOYMENT=SolrCloud #solr模式为分布式模式SOLR_ZK=hd1:2181,hd2:2181,hd3:2181/ranger_audits #zk地址及solrznode


./setup.shcd /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/scripts/可以查看到对应配置

./setup.shcd /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/scripts/可以查看到对应配置

cp solr.in.sh /etc/default/


bash add_ranger_audits_conf_to_zk.sh


service solr start




ss -tunlp | grep 8983


创建audit 索引cd /opt/solr/ranger_audit_server/scripts修改create_ranger_audits_collection.sh脚本,添加端口8983

bash create_ranger_audits_collection.sh成功后,可以在页面看到对应名称

修改rangeradmin的audit的配置cd /opt/ranger-2.3.0-admin/修改install.properties

audit_store=solr# * audit_solr_url URL to Solr. E.g. http://<solr_host>:6083/solr/ranger_auditsaudit_solr_urls=http://hd1.dtstack.com:8983/solr/ranger_auditsaudit_solr_user=audit_solr_password=audit_solr_zookeepers=hd1:2181,hd2:2181,hd3:2181/ranger_audits audit_solr_collection_name=ranger_audits#solr Properties for cloud modeaudit_solr_config_name=ranger_auditsaudit_solr_configset_location=audit_solr_no_shards=1audit_solr_no_replica=1audit_solr_max_shards_per_node=1audit_solr_acl_user_list_sasl=solr,infra-solraudit_solr_bootstrap_enabled=true

执行./setup.sh ,生成配置,重启rangeradminranger-admin restart如果一切正常,则在页面可以看到审计数据


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