霞蝶鱼,Hemitaurichthys zoster (Bennett,1831)又称印度银斑蝶鱼,为蝴蝶鱼科霞蝶鱼属的其中一种。身体中央有一宽白带,其他部位(尾鳍除外)皆为黑褐色,尾鳍是灰白色,体色并不鲜艳,但因与其他蝶鱼色彩不同而被行家收养,在水族箱中饲养要经驯饵,可喂动物性浮游生物。栖息在珊瑚礁区边缘的开放水域,常成群出现,肉食性,以附着在珊瑚礁的生物为食。
Hemitaurichthys zoster (Bennett, 1831), also known as Indian Silver spotted butterfly fish, is one of the genus Chardonnay of Phalaenopsis family. There is a wide white band in the center of the body. Other parts (except the tail fin) are black brown.cqtjrf.cn,The tail fin is gray white and the body color is not bright. However, it is adopted by experts because it is different from other butterfly fish. Feeding in the aquarium requires domesticated bait, jd023.com,which can be fed to animal plankton. Inhabiting in the open waters at the edge of the coral reef area, it often appears in groups and is carnivorous. It feeds on the organisms attached to the coral reef.