
U才优料 2024-06-19 09:09:10

根据TrendForce集邦咨询的《2024 Micro LED市场趋势与技术成本分析报告》,Micro LED芯片的成本压缩与尺寸微缩化工程仍在进行。包括LGE、BOE和Vistar等厂商在大型显示应用上的持续投入,以及AUO在手表产品的开发等,新型显示应用也逐步扩展到头戴装置与车用需求。

According to the "Micro LED Market Trend and Technology Cost Analysis Report 2024" by TrendForce's Inventec Consulting, the cost compression and size reduction engineering of Micro LED chips are still underway. Including the continuous investment of LGE, BOE, and Vistar in large-scale display applications, and AUO's development of watch products, new display applications are gradually expanding to head-mounted devices and automotive needs.

因此,预计到2028年,Micro LED芯片的产值将达到5.8亿美元,2023年至2028年的复合年增长率(CAGR)为84%。

Therefore, it is expected that the revenue of Micro LED chips will reach $580 million by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 84% from 2023 to 2028

Micro LED产业发展的挑战

Micro LED industry development challenges

成本难以下降和技术工艺的挑战是导致Apple Watch项目取消的主要原因。因此,持续优化生产环节仍然是Micro LED产业发展的关键。巨量转移技术将逐步从单一技术向复合技术演变,例如将激光转移和印章转移相结合,有望实现带有键合能力且无滞空的转移方案。此外,除了关注提高转移效率外,还必须确保在转移过程中保持更高的晶圆利用率,以及在晶片尺寸微缩时的高精度等多方面技术挑战。

Difficult cost reduction and technical process challenges are the main reasons for the cancellation of the Apple Watch project. Therefore, the continuous optimization of the production link is still the key to the development of the Micro LED industry. The massive transfer technology will gradually evolve from a single technology to a composite technology, such as combining laser transfer and stamp transfer, which is expected to achieve a transfer scheme with bonding capability and no lag. In addition, in addition to the focus on improving transfer efficiency, it is also necessary to ensure that higher wafer utilization is maintained during the transfer process, as well as high accuracy when the chip size is miniaturized, and other technical challenges.

检测与修复是提高制造良率从而进一步降低Micro LED成本的关键。Micro LED的电性检测技术正在不断升级,高精度探针卡(Probe Card)和非接触式检测(Contactless Testing)两大方向将引领电性检测技术的发展,并为设备厂商带来新的商机。

Inspection and repair is the key to improving the manufacturing yield and further reducing the cost of Micro leds. Micro LED electrical detection technology is constantly upgrading, high-precision Probe Card (Probe Card) and Contactless Testing (Contactless Testing) two directions will lead the development of electrical detection technology, and bring new business opportunities for equipment manufacturers.

Apple Watch的取消促使芯片供应商ams OSRAM考虑出售其位于马来西亚的8英寸厂。如果出售对象是目前Micro LED显示器供应链中的厂商,这将对整个产业的技术发展和成本结构优化产生积极影响。通过转变技术路线和目标市场,积极发展8英寸SiC功率半导体的中国化合物半导体厂商也可能成为潜在买家,从而进入国际市场,这无疑是提高芯片厂商盈利的一种方式。

The cancellation of the Apple Watch prompted chip supplier ams OSRAM to consider selling its 8-inch plant in Malaysia. If it is sold to manufacturers in the current Micro LED display supply chain, it will have a positive impact on the technology development and cost structure optimization of the entire industry. By changing the technology route and target market, Chinese compound semiconductor manufacturers who actively develop 8-inch SiC power semiconductors may also become potential buyers, thus entering the international market, which is undoubtedly a way to improve the profitability of chip manufacturers.

Micro LED产业发展的机遇

Micro LED industry development opportunities

从应用市场角度来看,Micro LED相较于Micro OLED等其他竞争技术,仍然具有明显的基础优势。在AR眼镜的光机需求方面,Micro LED光机已经迈入小于0.2cc的时代,具备高亮度、小体积的特性,并且亮度已朝350,000 nits(尼特)以上迈进。随着AI辅助工具的发展,未来1至2年内,采用Micro LED作为显示技术的AR眼镜需求预计将逐步显现。

From the perspective of the application market, Micro LED still has obvious basic advantages compared to other competitive technologies such as Micro OLED. In terms of optical demand for AR glasses, Micro LED optical machines have entered the era of less than 0.2cc, with high brightness, small size characteristics, and brightness has moved toward 350,000 nits (Nits) or more. With the development of AI-assisted tools, the demand for AR glasses using Micro LED as a display technology is expected to gradually emerge in the next 1 to 2 years.

另一方面,车用显示不追求极致的PPI,但需要更高的对比度和可靠性表现。考虑到驾驶需求,Micro LED技术具备高亮度、高对比度、广色域、快速响应等特点,可融入异形、曲面、可挠式、触觉反馈等智能座舱一体化车用显示解决方案,从而全面升级驾驶体验。Micro LED在车用场景的应用前景也在不断拓展,例如未来可作为增强现实和全景抬头显示器(AR-HUD和P-HUD),或结合透明显示技术应用于车窗,作为创新显示技术。

On the other hand, automotive displays do not pursue extreme PPI, but require higher contrast and reliability performance. Taking into account the driving needs, Micro LED technology has the characteristics of high brightness, high contrast, wide color gamut, fast response, etc., and can be integrated into intelligent cockpit integrated vehicle display solutions such as shaped, curved surface, flexible and haptic feedback, thus comprehensively upgrading the driving experience. The application prospect of Micro LED in automotive scenarios is also expanding, such as the future can be used as augmented reality and panoramic head-up display (AR-HUD and P-HUD), or combined with transparent display technology applied to the window as an innovative display technology.

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