
U才优料 2024-04-16 16:07:41


I don't know why... Maybe I'm just a "lucky" guy... But there always seemed to be devices that sounded to alert me when they were going wrong, and that always seemed to "go off" in the middle of the night when I was asleep. It happened last year when a carbon monoxide detector downstairs plugged into a wall AC outlet decided it was too old and should be retired and replaced. I was so groggy, as you can see in reading my sad story, that I thought at first that the source of the sound was a smoke detector attached to the ceiling. I didn't realize my mistake until I untied it and still heard the beeping sound.


- When the alarm is accompanied by the top flash, the battery is dead (or disconnected or non-existent, whatever its value)


- Excessive current passes through the device's one (or more) battery-powered AC output when sound is not accompanied by a top flash


Again, it was the middle of the night and I was (delusively, as it turned out) itching to go back to sleep. So I manually shut down any devices connected to the UPS that would not respond well to a sudden power outage, and then shut down the UPS itself. The next day, I turned on UPS again and it worked for a few days, when it woke me up again in the middle of the night. At that time, I decided that it was retirement and disassembly time for this unit, although there had been more experimentation before (just in the waking hours, mind you... The constant noise actually annoys my wife). UPS will sit there and hum steadily... As long as nothing is connected to any of the battery-powered outlets. But all it takes is a small current consumption like an LCD in backlight off sleep mode to boost the UPS's audible anger sooner or later.

我们的病人,准确地说,是一个APC(现在是a施耐德电气品牌)备用ES 550VA装置BE550G:

Our patient, to be precise, was an APC(now a Schneider Electric brand) standby ES 550VA unit BE550G:


I was surprised to find that while researching this article, APC was still selling it directly from the company's website for $99.99. My email profile shows that I bought three about a decade ago, all from Amazon, the first in April 2012 for $49.99, the second in February 2013 for $55.99, and the third in October 2014 for $49.49. What I like about these units (and conceptually similar units from APC and competitors) is that the batteries are user replaceable and they come in standard sizes and specifications. A nickel-cadmium battery will die sooner or later, whether it's due to repeated house power losses or diminished storage capacity from prolonged trickle charging, but you can plug in a replacement battery and it'll be as good as new. That said, eventually the internal circuitry itself can fail, which seems to be the case with my device, and the UPS can only be dissected and then discarded.


By the way, these batteries are interesting razors and blades with their own stories. APC conveniently links directly from the BE550G product page to the company-branded replacement battery APCRBC110 for $69.99. Yeah, you figured it out... That's just $30 less than the company's new price for selling the entire UPS, including batteries. That is to say, the batteries used in this model are standard 12VDC, 7Ah models, and are also used as backup power for home security systems, powering electric scooters and wheelchairs, etc. I can easily find third-party alternatives on Amazon and ebay for about 1/3 the price whenever I need them; I even recently bought six 12v DC power supplies for a special price of $48.99 for an identical 9Ah equivalent. You just need to make sure that the output voltage matches, the charge storage specification is equal to or higher than the one you're replacing, the same size, and the positive and negative terminal positions (speaking of terminals, I've seen both F1 and F2 options; Adapters are available for on-demand translation).

在我们开始之前还有几个问题。正如你可能已经从我之前展示的“库存”照片中注意到的那样,BE550G结合了沿顶部边缘的四个电涌保护插座和沿底部边缘的四个插座,后四个插座都有电涌保护和电池支持。或许很明显,当驻地电源断电时,将储存的DC转换回交流电的能力是UPS的一个关键特性。该特定模型产生所谓的模拟(有时也称为修正)正弦波交流输出;更贵的型号产生“纯”正弦波,但价格大约是它的两倍。Tripp Lite的这个信息页面伊顿的一个品牌,对两种交流输出选项进行了很好的对比总结。

Just a few more questions before we get started. As you may have noticed from the "stock" photos I showed earlier, the BE550G combines four surge protection outlets along the top edge and four along the bottom edge, with the latter four outlets all having surge protection and battery support. It is perhaps obvious that the ability to convert stored DC back to AC when the on-site power is down is a key feature of the UPS. This particular model produces what is called an analog (sometimes called a modified) sine-wave AC output; More expensive models produce "pure" sine waves, but cost about twice as much. This information page for Tripp Lite, an Eaton brand, provides a good comparison of the two AC output options.

还要注意,产品名称中的“550”指的是其DC到交流“VA”输出规格,而不是其输出功率(根据产品规格表,输出功率仅为330W)。如果您想购买UPS,请确保您了解两者之间的区别并明智地选择,以避免(因为这 伊顿信息页面描述)根据所需的已连接设备的功耗需求来缩小UPS的规模。更一般地说,我发现这 伊顿信息页面成为各种UPS主题的优秀FAQ概述(我与伊顿没有特别的密切关系或其他联系;我不认为我拥有他们的任何东西。我就是喜欢他们的文档!).

Also note that the "550" in the product name refers to its DC to AC "VA" output specification, not its output power (which is only 330W according to the product specification sheet). If you want to buy a UPS, make sure you understand the difference between the two and choose wisely to avoid (as described on this Eaton information page) downsizing the UPS based on the power consumption requirements of the required connected devices. More generally, I found this Eaton information page to be an excellent FAQ overview of various UPS topics (I have no particularly close relationship or other connection to Eaton; I don't think I own anything of them. I just love their documentation! .

在概述评论结束后,让我们来看看我们的患者,这里照常显示一枚直径为0.75英寸(19.1毫米)的美国硬币,用于大小比较(BE550G的尺寸为12 x 3.3 x 7英寸,重13磅。内部装有电池):

After the summary comments, let's take a look at our patient, where as usual a US coin with a diameter of 0.75 inches (19.1 mm) is shown for size comparison (the BE550G measures 12 x 3.3 x 7 inches and weighs 13 pounds. Internal battery):


At one end is a USB port for optional UPS monitoring and control via connected computers, as well as "input" and "output" RJ-45 plugs for surge protection of Ethernet connections, a circuit breaker "reset" switch and a status LED:


Here's a "stock" view:


The other end and sides are less exciting (those aren't ventilation grilles, just slots embedded in plastic that I guess exist for finger grasping to help unplug things?). :


Now the back, our channel is on the inside (note the four deep holes with screws inside):


Tags Feature:


Next, let's open the battery box:


Close-up of the two battery terminals:


Now, let's take those screws out and go inside, which finally becomes simple and clear:


Here are four surge specific outlets with a plastic shield between them and the interior:


Below the PCB (on the left side are the red and black cables and terminals we saw earlier in the battery case):


It's another plastic protective cover, this time with four surge and battery sockets underneath it:


The transformers that dominate the landscape are easy to lift (reflecting the more common modular and easily disassembled unit assembly techniques):


Let's take a closer look at the top edge socket, whose shield is held in place by a screw:


I was surprised to see that, given that these are supposed to be surge protected sockets, they seem to be fed directly from the AC cable (for example, compared to the series circuit between them and the outside world). That said, I'm an acknowledged "digital" person with no particular power electronics expertise, so I'll be relying on more knowledgeable readers to be educated in the comments:


Now, for the other (bottom edge) sockets, there is battery support and surge protection. Like the transformer before it, the PCB is effortlessly removed from the case:


To completely remove the PCB and transformer, you first need to separate them from the wiring between the two socket sets, which is a simple operation because the connectors are easy to remove:


Here are some close-up shots of the now-independent transformer (red line from the battery case):


And the PCB(black line, this time, originating in the battery box):


To reiterate what I've already admitted, I'm not a "power" guy, so I'll leave it up to you, the reader, to call out things that seem interesting in the comments, including noticing bloated capacitors or other defects I may have overlooked and possibly explaining UPS's urgent misbehavior. I will keep the disassembled device for the time being so that I can respond to incoming queries:


Finally, here are some views of the interior of the top of the case, with the PCB and transformer now removed:


That's it, you can express your thoughts in the comments!

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