
杜皓哲呀 2024-08-19 02:02:33

生活是我们在自己喜欢的环境中所遵循的一种习惯。Life is that we follow in their own environment of a habit.

世界是一张由数十亿条生命交织而成的网络,每条线都相互交叉相互影响。我们所说的“预感”只是这张网络上的振动。如果你能过滤每一串变化的数据,未来将会完全在掌控之中,就像数学计算一样必然。The world is woven from billions of lives, every strand crossing every other. What we call premonition is just movement of the web. If you could attenuate to every strand of quivering data, the future would be entirely calculable. As inevitable as Mathematics.

生活就是为了你的梦想成真。但是别以为它就会从天上掉下来砸到你身上。你是真的要全身心投入到工作中,更要有雄心壮志。然后在你想要走得这条道路上越走越远。同时,你也要学会接受批评。Life is about making your dream come true. But don’t think it could come and fall from the sky to your lap. You actually need to put yourself into the work, you need to be ambitious. And be better and better at the things you are doing. Also, you have to take the criticism.

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