
养猫人 2024-06-15 22:11:52

2019年的普利策专题摄影奖(Pulitzer Prize forFeature Photography)授予了华盛顿邮报的摄影记者 Lorenzo Tugnoli,以奖励他“以精彩的照片讲述了也门饥荒的悲惨故事,照片中美丽、平静与毁灭交织在一起。”

Lorenzo Tugnoli 的获奖作品可以用四个字来形容:“触目惊心”。




阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜勒·瓦希德·曼苏尔(右)与战友们一起站在古城塔伊兹北部祖努杰地区的前线。两年前,他在这条战线上的一次地雷爆炸中失去了一条腿。Abdullah Abdul Wahed Mansour, right, stands with his comrades on the front lines of an area called al Zunuj on the north side of the ancient city of Taiz. He lost a leg in a land mine explosion on this front two years ago. The front line that encircles the city has not moved significantly in the past two years. Sporadic gunfire is exchanged, but neither side is seriously pushing to gain territory. (December 31, 2018)

2018 年 5 月 21 日,也门亚丁萨达卡医院重症监护室,婴儿塔伊夫·法雷斯喘着粗气。她出生时患有心脏病,需要不断护理。这张照片拍摄几天后,塔伊夫去世。Taif Fares gasps for air in the intensive-care unit of al-Sadaqa Hospital in Aden, Yemen, on May 21, 2018. She was born with a heart disorder and needed constant care. Taif died few days after this photo was taken. (December 31, 2018)

一名民兵占据了塔伊兹北部祖努杰地区的前线阵地。A militiaman occupies a frontline position in the al Zunuj area on the northern side of Taiz. The battle lines encircling the city have not moved significantly in the past two years. The two sides exchange sporadic gunfire, but neither is seriously pushing to gain territory. (December 31, 2018)

一名妇女走过杰赫马利亚地区一栋被毁的建筑。胡塞叛军与当地民兵争夺城市时,该地区遭到严重破坏。最近,该地区因目前控制该市的各民兵之间的战斗而动荡不安。A woman walks past a destroyed building in the al Jahmaliya area. The area was heavily damaged during fighting between Houthi rebels and local militias struggling to retake the city. More recently, the area was shaken by fighting among the various militias that now control the city. (December 31, 2018)

也门阿斯拉姆的一家诊所挤满了营养不良的儿童。母亲和孩子共用一张床,有时还要在地板上加床垫,以容纳所有患者。A clinic in Aslam, Yemen, is overcrowded with malnourished children. Mothers and children share beds, and sometimes mattresses are added to the floor to accommodate all the patients. (December 31, 2018)

3 岁的艾莎·艾哈迈德严重营养不良,体重只有 9 磅左右。Ayesha Ahmed, 3, is severely malnourished and only weighs about nine pounds. Her family was displaced by a military offensive on the western cost of Yemen. A lot of fighting happened in their village, Tahonan, on the border of Hodeida and Taiz. Nurses were taking care of Ayesha but there were no doctors in al-Sadaqa Hospital, in Aden, Yemen, on May 15, 2018. (December 31, 2018)

在也门首都萨那以及也门北部的各个城镇,市场上的食物供应充足。但战争和通货膨胀使食品价格超出了许多人承受能力。Food stands in the Souk al Meleh, in the old city of Sanaa, Yemen. In the capital, Sanaa, as well as in towns across north Yemen, there is no lack of food in the markets. But war and inflation have pushed food costs beyond the reach of many people. (December 31, 2018)

11 岁的 Shakir Jubran al-Musabi 坐在一间小屋里,一对新婚夫妇住在哈贾省偏远村庄 Alraqqah。2018 年 4 月 23 日,沙特领导的联盟在与胡塞叛军作战时发动空袭,导致 20 名参加婚礼的人丧生。Shakir 和 60 多人在爆炸中受伤,其中大部分是儿童。Shakir Jubran al-Musabi, 11, sits inside a hut where a newlywed couple lives in Alraqqah, a remote village in Hajjah province. On April 23, 2018, 20 people at a wedding party died in an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition fighting Houthi rebels. Shakir and more than 60 other people, mostly children, were injured in the blast. (December 31, 2018)

女学生们在也门塔伊兹 al-Thawra 医院附近的 Sir Alibdaa 学校上课。这所学校距离一条遭受胡塞武装狙击手射击的道路只有几码之遥。Students attend at the Sir Alibdaa school in the al-Thawra hospital neighborhood of Taiz, Yemen. The school is a few yards away from a road exposed to Houthi sniper fire. (December 31, 2018)

民兵和平民站在也门摩卡军医院门口。这座城市位于北部什叶派叛军与总统阿贝德·拉布·曼苏尔·哈迪政府之间战争前线以南几英里处。直到去年,该镇还由胡塞叛军统治,但现在由沙特领导的联军控制。Militia members and civilians at the entrance of the military hospital in Mokha, Yemen. The city is a few miles south of a front line in the war between northern Shiite rebels and the government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi. Until last year, the town was ruled by Houthi rebels, but now it is controlled by Saudi-led coalition forces. (December 31, 2018)

10 岁的 Marwan Hareb Mohammed Abdullah 在也门阿斯拉姆的一家诊所接受测量。她营养不良,但因年龄原因无法被诊所收治。在家庭中,女孩往往是最后进食的人。Marwan Hareb Mohammed Abdullah, 10, is measured at a clinic in Aslam, Yemen. She is malnourished but will not be admitted to the clinic because of her age. In families, girls are often the last to be fed. (December 31, 2018)

2 岁的伊萨姆·阿马尔·萨利赫营养不良。伊萨姆的母亲塔兹·塔克瓦·穆罕默德·瓦哈班怀孕了,她自己也营养不良。她的另一个儿子贾米勒几个月前因营养不良而去世。(A severely malnourished Isam Amar Saleh, 2, is shown in Aslam, Yemen. He comes from Hajour, an area near the border with Saudi Arabia with an active front line. Isam's mother, Taz Taqwa Mohammed Wahaban, is pregnant and malnourished herself. Another of her sons, Jamil, died from malnutrition a few months earlier. (December 31, 2018)

卡塔叶是一种叶状兴奋剂,大多数也门人都喜欢咀嚼这种兴奋剂。卡塔叶的利润丰厚,但几大犯罪团伙却在争夺也门塔伊兹市场的控制权。The lucrative business of selling khat, a leafy stimulant chewed by most Yemenis, is in the hands of several criminal gangs that vie for control of the markets in Taiz, Yemen. A young girl was recently injured in a firefight when Ghazwan al-Makhlafi, an 18-year-old militia commander, was battling a rival militia for control of the khat market. Makhlafi, who comes from a powerful Yemeni tribe, is closely related to the commander of a Saudi-supported brigade and the city's intelligence chief. (December 31, 2018)

沙布瓦尼精锐部队指挥官穆罕默德·萨利姆·布哈尔(左)在阿赞村一家杂货店外行走。该村一直处于基地组织的控制之下,直到 2017 年 12 月布哈尔的民兵解放了该地区。他的民兵与沙特阿拉伯和阿联酋领导的联盟结盟,并在该地区与基地组织作战。Mohammed Salim al-Buhar, left, commander of the Shabwani Elite Forces, walks outside a grocery store in the village of Azzan. The village was under the control of al-Qaeda until Buhar’s militia liberated the area in December 2017. His militia is aligned with a coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE and is operating in the area in the fight against Al-Qaeda. (December 31, 2018)

三岁的阿卜杜·萨利赫躺在小床上,无法行走或说话,他的父亲萨利赫·阿卜杜·艾哈迈德在也门阿尔贾布的自家院子里看着他。Three-year-old Abdo Saleh lies on a cot, unable to walk or speak, as his father, Saleh Abdo Ahmed, watches in the courtyard of the family house in Al Jarb, Yemen. His wife had left a few days earlier because Ahmed did not have the means to save the boy. But a chance visit by a medical worker and the willingness of a nurse at the district's only pediatric clinic to travel to the village and retrieve Abdo may have saved his life. “I was waiting for God's fate,” said Ahmed. (December 31, 2018)

贾米拉·阿卜杜拉站在一所没有屋顶的房子门口。Jameela Abdullah stands at the entrance of a roofless house where her family has been living for two months after they escaped fighting in their village of Al-Jarahi. In southern Yemen, a trickle of Yemeni refugees has grown into a flood, with hundreds abandoning their homes each day. Refugee camps have sprung up across the region, adding pressure on western aid agencies and hospitals while worsening a humanitarian crisis that’s already considered the most severe in the world. Most people were running away from clashes near the strategic port city of Hodeida, under siege by Yemeni forces aligned with a U.S.-backed coalition, led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. (December 31, 2018)






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