
柯远说文学 2024-09-23 11:56:36

1. borrow/return 借书/还书 music album 音乐专集

2. journal/periodical 期刊 reserved area 馆藏区

3. reference books 参考书 How long can I keep the books?

4. card catalog(ue) 卡片目录 我可以借多久?

5. press/publishing house 出版社

6. Librarian and student (图书管理员与学生)

7. borrow 借 reading room 阅览室

8. catalog(ue) 目录 reference books 参考书

9. circulation desk 借书处 renew 续借

10. due/overdue 到期/过期 return 归还

11. fine 罚款 shelf 书架

12. library card 借书证 paper back 平装书

13. periodical 期刊 hard back 精装书

14. issue 一期


1. Librarian and student (图书管理员与学生)

2. due/overdue到期/过期


Think of some things you might need as a student and ask the librarian at the reference desk what kind of resources their school offers.


Your book is two days overdue. You'll have to pay fines.


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