
江本看摄影 2024-04-26 21:13:18



The crescent-shaped spring is embedded in the center of the golden desert, with the blue sky and white clouds reflecting in the shimmering water. The scene starts from a distance, with a winding sand dune slowly coming into view, and ahead of the dune is a shimmering lake, with a bright crescent-shaped spring nestled in the middle of the dune. The entire scene is filled with a sense of mystery and romance. Several human figures can be seen on the sand dune, perhaps admiring the beautiful scenery. The wide-angle lens, warm color tones, natural lighting, and gentle water ripples create a feeling of tranquility and beauty. Desert crescent spring, wide-angle lens, warm color tones, water ripples, lake, distant view, human figures, natural lighting.,,in clothes --version 6 --aspect 1:2 --relax

2、月牙泉镶嵌在广袤的沙漠中,壮观的景象令人惊叹。画面以泉水为主体,周围是黄色的沙漠和蓝色的天空。广角镜头捕捉到泉水的细节,同时突出了泉水与周围环境的对比。光线柔和,让整个画面充满温暖和祥和。颜色鲜明且饱满,传达出宁静和美好的情感。元素包括泉水、沙漠、天空和远处的山峰。 沙漠、月牙泉、广角镜头、柔和光线、鲜明色彩、宁静、美好、泉水、沙漠、天空、山峰。

The crescent spring is embedded in the vast desert, presenting a spectacular sight that is truly breathtaking. The scene centers around the spring, surrounded by the yellow desert and blue sky. The wide-angle lens captures the details of the spring water, while emphasizing the contrast between the spring and its surroundings. The soft light creates a warm and tranquil atmosphere throughout the entire scene. The vibrant and full colors convey a sense of peace and beauty. Elements include the spring water, desert, sky, and distant mountains. Desert, crescent spring, wide-angle lens, soft light, vibrant colors, tranquility, beauty, spring water, desert, sky, mountains.,,in clothes --relax --version 6 --aspect 1:2

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