
课南瓜子 2024-03-28 17:02:46


The 36 Heavens in Taoism Context (道教三十六天)

In Taoism, since the Far-away Era, Taoists & Chinese had been believing in the 36 Heavens System and till now, in most Major Taoist Rituals/Ceremonies, the Official Taoist Priests will still perform the Reporting to the 36 Heavens before the starting of the Rituals/Ceremonies. These 36 Heavens are being divided into 9 Levels, each Level with 4 Heavens.

Due to different Eras and different Records, since after Song Dynasty, there are a few sets of 36 Heavens being recorded. Some will being strongly influenced by the Buddhism and so, you will see Buddhist Heavens being recorded inside it, which is not Accurate.

In here, in-order to retain the Oldest Set of 36 Heavens, I will share with you all the 36 Heavens that being recorded by Grand Master Zhang Jun Fang (张君房) in Yun Ji Qi Qian (云笈七签), the Oldest Taoist Encyclopedia (compilation of All Ancient Taoist Articles & Scriptures).

In the following are the 36 Heavens being recorded by Grand Master Zhang Jun Fang:

(一)太皇黄曾天 Tai Huang Huang Zeng Tian

(二)太明玉完天 Tai Ming Yu Wan Tian

(三)清明何童天 Qing Ming He Tong Tian

(四)玄胎平育天 Xuan Tai Ping Yu Tian

(五)元明文举天 Yuan Ming Wen Ju Tian

(六)七曜摩夷天 Qi Yao Mo Yi Tian

此六天合称为欲界。 These 6 Heavens are known as Yu Heavens (Translated as Realm of Thoughts of Sharing).

(七)虚无越衡天 Xu Wu Yue Hen Tian

(八)太极蒙翳天 Tai Ji Meng Yi Tian

(九)赤明和陽天 Chi Ming He Yang Tian

(十)玄明恭华天 Xuan Ming Gong Hua Tian

(十一)耀明宗飘天 Yao Ming Zong Piao Tian

(十二)竺落皇笳天 Zhu Luo Huang Qie Tian

(十三)虚明堂曜天 Xu Ming Tang Yao Tian

(十四)观明端靖天 Guan Ming Rui Jing Tian

(十五)玄明恭庆天 Xuan Ming Gong Qing Tian

(十六)太焕极瑶天 Tai Huan Ji Yao Tian

(十七)元载孔昇天 Yuan Zhai Kong Sheng Tian

(十八)太安皇崖天 Tai An Huang Yan Tian

(十九)显定极风天 Xian Ding Ji Feng Tian

(二十)始黄孝芒天 Shi Huang Xiao Mang Tian

(二十一)太黄翁重天 Tai Huang Weng Chong Tian

(二十二)无思江由天 Wu Si Jiang You Tian

(二十三)上牒阮乐天 Shang Die Ruan Le Tian

(二十四)无极昙誓天 Wu Ji Tan Shi Tian

此十八天合称为色界。These 18 Heavens are known as Se Heaven (Translated as Realm of Happiness & Giving).

(二十五)皓庭霄度天 Hao Ting Xiao Du Tian

(二十六)渊通元洞天 Yuan Tong Yuan Dong Tian

(二十七)翰宠妙成天 Han Chong Miao Cheng Tian

(二十八)秀乐禁上天 Xiu Le Jin Shang Tian

此四天合称无色界。These 4 Heavens are known as Wu Se Heaven (Translated as Realm of Natural).All the above 28 Heavens are known as Taoist 3 Realms (道教三界天).

(二十九)无上常融天 Wu Shang Chang Rong Tian

(三十)玉隆腾胜天 Yu Long Teng Sheng Tian

(三十一)龙变梵度天 Long Bian Fan Du Tian

(三十二)平育贾奕天 Ping Yu Jia Yi Tian

三界天之上有民天。These 4 Heavens (located above the Taoist 3 Realms) are known as Min Heaven (Translated as Realm of Everything).

(三十三)太清境大赤天 Tai Qing Jing Da Chi Tian

(三十四)上清境禹余天 Shang Qing Jing Yu Yu Tian

(三十五)玉清境清微天 Yu Qing Jing Qing Wei Tian

此三天合称三清天。These 3 Heavens are known as San Qing Heaven, these are the Heavens where The Three Pure Ones being Manifested.

(三十六)太虛空境大罗天 Tai Xu Kong Jing Da Luo Tian

This Da Luo Tian is the Highest among All the Heavens. This is where the Whole Universe or Null being Manifested. This is the Heaven where Yuan Shi Tian Wang (元始天王) being Manifested. According to Taoist Records, San Qing Heaven also located in this Da Luo Tian, just that San Qing Heaven had their own allocation area in it.

Today in the Taoist Society, due to some Taoist Priests wanted to cut down the Duration & Work on performing certain Taoist Rituals, they tend to cut down the Making of Reports to the 36 Heavens Ritual (the Ritual Title is known as Qi Gu Shang Zou San Shi Liu Tian Ke Yi 启鼓三十六天科仪or Qi Gu Jin Tian Cao Ke 启鼓进天曹科) in many Major Rituals/Ceremonies. And due to such ignorant actions, the Practice of this Ritual was not being pass-down. This is indeed a Sad thing to know about.

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