
德帆看家居 2023-09-11 06:17:00


抱着吉他,感受凌晨喝酒撸串谈理想的爽飒也热衷于流连熙攘悠闲的跳蚤市场里「 一路拾遗,一路寻宝,一路珍藏 」出发,一切魂牵梦萦的地方出发,是为了归来时,感悟时光庸常的静好

We drove from city to city, took pictures of snow-covered mountains, held guitars, drank early in the morning, talked about our dreams, and hung out at flea markets, all the way to find treasure, all the way to treasure”set out, all the place that haunts one’s dreams set out, in order to come back, the perception of time mediocre static good.”

设计师初次接触这对夫妇,十分欣赏他们的生活理念,还未开始讨论设计方案,就听了他们津津乐道地聊起了旅途中的各种奇闻趣事。屋主两人爱好广泛,热衷环游世界,热爱摄影/记录,喜爱收藏各地手工艺,在他们生命中最重要的几样东西:音乐、书、思考、放松、经典、还有“不完美”。When the designers first met the couple, they were so impressed with their life philosophy that before they had even begun to discuss the design scheme, they talked with great relish about all sorts of anecdotes from their journey. The owners have a wide range of interests, love to travel around the world, love to photograph/record, love to collect handicrafts from all over the world, the most important things in their lives: music, books, thinking, relaxation,ics, and “Imperfections”.

工业复古风的单人椅子,琳琅满目的书籍,从印度抱回来的乐器,自己手工改造的花瓶......每个摆设都能讲出故事,也正是两人认真对待这个家最好的认证。Industrial Retro Style Single Chair, dazzling books, brought back from India musical instruments, their own hand-modified vases... . That every piece of furniture tells a story, and it’s a testament to how seriously the two of us take our home.

设计师深谙其道,全案设计氛围尽可能极简质朴,大量运用仿木材、石材等质朴物料,并且刻意减少后製修饰,甚至连地板砖和饰面板既有的斑驳,都加以保留。The designer knows it well, the whole design atmosphere is as simple as possible, a lot of use of imitation wood, stone and other simple materials, and deliberately reduce the post-made decoration, even the floor tiles and decorative panels already mottled, to be retained.

三房改造两房,让空间利用得更加清逸自如。卧室同样承袭了LOFT工业风精简、艺术的基因,感觉像是被雕刻着用刻刀剔除所有的不必要,简约的天花,消除建筑建构给人的压迫感。Three rooms to transform two rooms, so that the use of space more free and easy. The bedroom also shares the LOFT’s industrial leanness and artistic feel, as if carved with a knife to cut out all unnecessary, minimalist ceilings and eliminate the oppressive feel of the building’s construction.

如何在纷繁的城市变奏里赋予一个宁静的港湾?本案强调纯粹真实,倾心素材原朴之美,摆脱追求完美无瑕的执念,主张剔除精美加工,重视本真。设计师了解到,任何物质在时光中有着不可预测的变化正是屋主倾心原由。时间让很多东西流失,同时也留下了有价值的东西,屋主喜欢有时光沉淀的东西,他们认为原生瑕疵亦是构成美的元素之一。此一特质触发设计师以「本真」作为思考起点,扩展至全案设计。The designer learned that the unpredictability of any material change over time is what makes a homeowner fall in love. Time has lost a lot of things, but it has also left something of value. Homeowners like things that have been deposited in time, and they think of native imperfections as one of the elements that make up beauty. This characteristic triggers the designer to take “Authenticity”as the starting point of thinking, and expand to the whole design.

橙色椅子,活泼跳跃,两人在装饰上也颇有心思。Orange Chair, lively jump, two people also have much thought in adornment.

屋主在深圳的坝光新村买下这套房,希望在此营建起新的家宅,容纳他们周游列国淘回来的“小玩意”,演变出他们心中一座意趣盎然的“杂货铺”。The owners bought the house in Shenzhen’s Banguang new village, hoping to build a new home here to house the “Gadgets”they Confucius back, evolving into an interesting “Grocery store.”.

在大面积温润中和的暖木调地板中,干净利落的一片式衣柜,显露出与众不同的个性。设计师通过减少过多繁杂的室内包装设计,让空间看起来更舒服简洁,并且更有整体性。In the large area warm moist in the warm wood adjust the floor, clean and Neat one-piece type wardrobe, reveal distinctive personality. The designer makes the space look more comfortable, simple, and integrated by reducing the amount of clutter in the interior design.

斑驳点渍的背景墙,复古风浓郁,不失有趣细节。高级灰作为次卧的主调,电子壁炉的新颖床头柜,满足功能性同时,营造有温度、有人情味、有艺术性的生活情境。Mottled and stained background wall, full of retro style, but also interesting details. High-grade ash as the main tone of the second bedroom, electronic fireplace novel bedside cabinet, to meet the functional at the same time, to create a temperature, human touch, artistic living conditions.

当你走进这个家不妨多探索角落里丰富的物品和当中有趣的故事「 热情生活,适当淡然 」我们希望创造出一种理想的生活方式简单温暖,安静中有不言而喻的爱也有艺术家幻梦成真的情怀生活中的美好将会在这里开枝散叶。

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