
U才优料 2024-07-03 08:53:36


There are two kinds of power commonly used in life: AC (AC) and DC (DC). Alternating current is mainly obtained from the public grid, and direct current is mainly obtained from batteries or dry batteries. However, the power obtained from these sources often cannot directly meet the electricity demand, and the power electronic topology needs to be used for power transformation. You may know that power conversion is divided into four categories: AC to DC (AC-DC), DC to AC (DC-AC), DC to DC (DC-DC), and AC to AC (AC-AC). So, how do they change?


Power conversion type diagram


This paper reveals how to transform and control electric energy by power electronics technology. In order to allow everyone to understand more clearly and intuitively, the following will introduce the types of power conversion, and analyze the working principle of common power conversion circuits.

直流-直流变换/ Dc-dc transformation


The function of a DC-DC conversion circuit is to change one type of direct current into another. According to the different circuit structure, DC-DC conversion circuit is divided into non-isolated DC-DC circuit and isolated DC-DC circuit. The non-isolated DC-DC circuit mainly realizes the direct conversion of DC, and is divided into Buck (Boost), Boost (boost) and buck-boost (buck-boost) circuits, and its circuit structure is shown in the figure. The Buck/Boost circuit is the most widely used.


Non-isolated DC-DC circuit diagrams are commonly used


Taking Boost circuit as an example, the working principle of non-isolated DC-DC circuit is analyzed. First, it is assumed that the capacitance value and inductance value in the circuit are large. When the controllable switch V is in the on state, the power supply E charges the inductor L, while the capacitor C supplies power to the load R. Due to the large capacitance value, the output voltage uo is basically maintained at a constant value. When V is in the off state, the power supply E and the inductor L jointly charge the capacitor C and supply the load R. The output waveform of the Boost circuit is shown in the figure.


Boost circuit output waveform


The isolated DC-DC circuit mainly realizes DC-AC-DC transformation, and contains AC link in the circuit and uses transformer for input and output isolation. Push-pull, flyback, phase-shift full-bridge topology, LC topology and LLC topology in isolated DC-DC circuits are widely used in various industrial power supplies.


Isolated DC-DC circuit structure diagram


The advantages and disadvantages, power ranges and application fields of various isolated DC-DC conversion circuits are shown in the following table.


Comparison table of commonly used isolated DC-DC conversion circuits

交流-直流变换/ Ac-dc transformation


The AC-DC transformation is also called rectification. The rectifier circuit can be divided into single-phase rectifier and polyphase rectifier according to the phase number of input AC. According to the component, it can be divided into full control rectifier, half control rectifier and non-control rectifier. According to the circuit structure, it can be divided into bridge rectifier and zero rectifier. The common rectifier circuit mainly includes half wave rectifier circuit, full wave rectifier circuit, bridge rectifier circuit and voltage doubling rectifier circuit. Its basic circuit structure is shown in the figure.

常用的不控整流电路结构图以单相桥式不控整流电路为例对整流电路的工作原理进行分析。单相桥式不控整流电路由四个整流器件构成,其中VD1与VD4构成一组桥臂,VD2与VD3构成另一组桥臂。0-t1:输入电压正半周,VD1、VD4串联承受正向电压导通,电流经VD1- R-VD4流动,输出电压按照正弦规律变化;t1-t2:输入电压负半周,VD2、VD3串联承受正向电压导通,电流经VD3- R-VD2流动,输出电压按照正弦规律变化;单相桥式不控整流电路的输出电压波形如图所示。

The structure diagram of common uncontrolled rectifier circuit is used to analyze the working principle of single-phase bridge uncontrolled rectifier circuit. The single-phase bridge uncontrolled rectifier circuit is composed of four rectifier devices, wherein VD1 and VD4 constitute a group of bridge arms, and VD2 and VD3 constitute another group of bridge arms. 0-t1: The input voltage is positive for half a cycle, VD1 and VD4 are connected in series by the forward voltage, the electricity flows through VD1-R-VD4, and the output voltage changes according to the sine law; t1-t2: The input voltage is negative for half a cycle, VD2 and VD3 are subjected to positive voltage conduction in series, the electricity flows through VD3-R-VD2, and the output voltage changes according to the sine law; The output voltage waveform of single-phase bridge uncontrolled rectifier circuit is shown in the figure.


The power devices used in controllable rectification are all controllable devices, such as thyristors, IGBTs, etc. The controllable rectifier circuit can adjust the output voltage of the rectifier by switching the device on and off. Commonly used controlled rectifier circuits include three-phase bridge PWM rectifier circuit and Boost-PFC rectifier circuit, whose circuit structure is shown in the figure.


Three-phase bridge PWM rectifier circuit


Boost-PFC rectifier circuit Controlled rectifier circuit structure diagram Rectifier circuit is one of the earliest forms of power electronic circuits, its role is to convert AC electrical energy into direct current power to supply DC electrical equipment. Rectifier circuit is widely used, such as DC motor, electroplating electrolytic power supply, synchronous generator excitation, communication system power supply and so on. In the early stage of power electronic technology, the rectifier era, the later stage into the inverter era, the inverter transformation is introduced below.

直流-交流变换/ Dc-ac transformation


Corresponding to rectification, DC-AC transformation is also called inverter. When the AC side is connected to the power supply (connected to the power grid), it is an active inverter. When the AC side is directly connected to the load, it is a passive inverter. In practical application, the commonly used inverter circuit is the full-bridge inverter circuit, and the structure of the voltage-type full-bridge inverter circuit is shown in the figure.


Voltage type full bridge inverter circuit structure diagram


The principle of inverter circuit is analyzed by taking single-phase voltage type full-bridge inverter circuit as an example. In the circuit, two bridge arms are directional arms, and the other two bridge arms are chopper arms, where V1 and V2 are directional arms, and V3 and V4 are chopper arms. When the modulated signal ur>0, V1 is on and V2 is off, and the average output voltage is greater than zero; When the modulated signal ur<0, V1 is off and V2 is on, and the average output voltage is less than zero; When ur>uc, V4 is on and V3 is off. When ur

交流-交流变换/ Ac - AC transformation


Ac-ac conversion circuit can be the conversion of the voltage and current amplitude of the alternating current (AC amplitude modulation), it can also be the conversion of the frequency of the alternating current (AC frequency modulation), and it can also be the phase of the alternating current (AC phase modulation). Ac AM is mainly used in transformer and induction motor soft start. Ac frequency modulation is widely used in inverter, but AC phase modulation is rarely used in practice. Ac frequency conversion circuit is divided into direct frequency conversion circuit (AC-AC) and indirect frequency conversion circuit (AC-DC-AC). The direct frequency conversion circuit is mainly used in the motor speed regulation system with high power and low speed above 500kW, such as blowers, mine crushers and ball grinding machines.


Single-phase AC frequency conversion circuit structure diagram


After the above introduction, we must have a preliminary understanding of the working principles and application scenarios of all kinds of power conversion circuits. In practical applications, various switching power supplies are the main application scenarios of power electronics technology. According to the different control signal switching power supply can be divided into analog power supply and digital power supply. Digital power supply is widely used because of its good performance, high reliability and flexible design.

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