
U才优料 2024-06-26 08:51:24



End users expect new electric vehicle designs to minimize idle time in the vehicle, especially on long drives. Electric vehicle designers need to improve the power output, power density and efficiency of chargers to achieve the fast charging that end users expect. At present, the design range of a single unit charger is from 7 kW to 30 kW. Combining individual unit elements into a modular design can increase power output, helping charger manufacturers achieve smaller footprint, greater flexibility, and scalability. The use of advanced isolated packaging for active power components solves the challenge of high-power charging by achieving higher power density and significantly reducing thermal management efforts in circuit design.


Electric utilities face the additional challenge of managing the large loads that are created by charging the EV batteries used by the increased number of EVs. Utilities are working on two vehicle-to-grid technologies:

●V1G – 在这项称为智能充电的技术中,公用事业单位通过两种方式单独分配能量,以将需求峰值降至最低;即通过控制电动汽车开始充电的时间和供电的多少。

●V1G - In this technology, called smart charging, utilities distribute energy individually in two ways to minimize peak demand; That is, by controlling the time when the electric car starts charging and how much power is supplied.

●V2G – 双向充电控制充电时间、功率和方向。例如,为了减少峰值需求,该公用事业单位可以将充满电的电池中的一些电力拉回电网,然后将其供应给另一辆车。

●V2G - two-way charging controls charging time, power and direction. For example, to reduce peak demand, the utility could pull some of the power from a fully charged battery back into the grid and then supply it to another vehicle.


The V2G approach can be very cost effective for fleets, as contributing to peak load will be considered a valuable service. For example, most school buses only run during the day and can be charged and shared throughout the night. A much larger fleet, such as the 500,000 school buses operating in the United States, could be controlled into highly decentralized energy storage. During the 100 free days of the American summer vacation, the available battery capacity can grow to the level of GWh. To accommodate V2G technology, designers now need to develop two-way chargers that can also supply power to the grid.


Compared with a simple one-way charger, the design of a two-way charger is more complex and requires more components. Additional effort is also required to manage power consumption and develop complex control algorithms.


Advanced packaging for high power semiconductors

图1显示了一种双向电源拓扑,该拓扑在8个半桥组中使用16个碳化硅功率MOSFET。为了实现更高的功率,电子设计人员可以并联使用更多的离散功率FET;然而,这会使电力电子系统的设计复杂化。分立功率FET封装通常为D²PAK或TO-247封装。当设计功率级别超过30 kW时,先进的隔离封装提供了支持所需高输出功率的元件。

Figure 1 shows a bidirectional power topology that uses 16 SIC power MOSFETs in eight half-bridge sets. To achieve higher power, electronic designers can use more discrete power FETs in parallel; However, this complicates the design of power electronic systems. Discrete power FET packages are typically in D²PAK or TO-247 packages. When design power levels exceed 30 kW, advanced isolated packages provide components to support the high output power required.


Figure 1: Two-way charger circuit with multistage power conversion


Unlike discrete packages, isolated packages allow multiple packages to be mounted on a common heat sink. Due to their compact size, they offer a more compact design by minimising the total height of the subunits compared to 12 mm or 17 mm power modules. In addition, with a top cooling side with high insulation strength, no additional isolation foil is required between the device and the radiator, making the assembly process easier and less costly.


Figure 2 shows the package options and their power handling capabilities. These package options are rated according to output power and heat dissipation, as well as the complexity and assembly difficulty of the printed circuit board (PCB) layout. Surface Mount Power Devices (SMPD) offer designers the best combination of power capability, power consumption, and ease of layout and assembly.


Figure 2. Comparison of package power capability and package performance


SMPD packages enable higher power density


Ev charging system designers can use SMPD to accommodate a variety of chip technologies across a variety of voltage levels and circuit topologies, including half-bridges. An example of SMPD encapsulation is shown in Figure 3. SMPD packages have the following features:

●具有铜引线框架的直接铜键合 (DCB)基板,

●Direct Copper Bonding (DCB) substrate with copper lead frame,


● Aluminum bonding wire,


●Plastic molding compounds for semiconductors.


Flip the metal flap backwards and the battery will also appear:


The DCB structure provides high isolation strength, enabling multiple semiconductor arrangements with high heat dissipation on a single carrier. The exposed copper layer of the DCB maximizes the available surface area for the radiator connection. Copper lead frames are combined with aluminum bonding wires to simplify welding and assembly.

图 3.  表面贴装功率器件 (SMPD) 封装的示例结构

Figure 3. An example structure of a surface Mount power device (SMPD) package

本示例中的 SMPD 封装设计具有以下几个优点:

The SMPD package design in this example has several advantages:

●UL认证,额定绝缘电压高达2500 V

●UL certification, rated insulation voltage up to 2500 V

●与其它半导体封装(例如 TO 型器件)相比,热阻更低。

●Lower thermal resistance compared TO other semiconductor packages, such as TO-type devices.

●SMPD 提供比 TO 型封装更高的载流能力。

●SMPD offers higher current-carrying capacity than TO-type packages.


●Maximize the capability of the semiconductor and the low voltage overshoot due to the low spurious inductance of the package.

●在启用定制拓扑方面具有更大的灵活性,包括晶闸管、功率二极管、MOSFET 和 IGBT。

●Greater flexibility in enabling custom topologies, including thyristors, power diodes, MOSFETs, and IGBTs.


●Due to back isolation, all power semiconductors can be mounted on a single radiator.


As shown in Figure 4, there are two versions of the SMPD package, namely SMPD-X and SMPD-B. The SMPD-X contains a single switch, a single diode, or a Co-Pack to meet higher power requirements in a single package. SMPD-B allows building blocks in a variety of voltages, currents, and technologies, such as MOSFETs, IGBTs, and thyristors in various topologies.


Figure 4: SMPD-X and SMPD-B package comparison

两个版本都具有相同的封装尺寸,长度为25 mm,宽度为23 mm,并且具有共同的占地面积和安装面积。

Both versions have the same package size, 25 mm in length and 23 mm in width, and have a common footprint and mounting area.

19英寸机架,具有两个高度单元(2HU),长度为880 mm,用于电动汽车充电子单元,在行业中随处可见。例如,当使用薄型SMPD封装时,与采用19英寸2HU机架配置的E2和E3封装相比,该设计节省了约13%的体积,从而为功率磁件和去耦合电容器等无源元件提供了更大的空间。

The 19-inch rack, with two height units (2HU) and a length of 880 mm, is used for electric vehicle charging electronic units, which are ubiquitous in the industry. For example, when thin SMPD packages are used, the design saves about 13% of volume compared to E2 and E3 packages in 19-inch 2HU rack configurations, giving more room for passive components such as power magnetic parts and decoupling capacitors.


Figure 5 shows this. Reducing the number of components required allows for higher power density, higher power, and reduced overall assembly size. Each package shown in Figure 5 contains two power MOSFETs, an example of multiple circuit configurations for SMPD packages.


Figure 5. Two-way chargers based on SMPD packages reduce the number of components by nearly 50%


SMPD can also be used in single-switch configurations of IGBTs and silicon carbide MOSFETs if the requirement is for higher power levels. Once the design requires higher voltages, package options of 1700V and above can be selected at any time.


The goal: smaller package and higher power

通过采用SMPD封装,设计人员可以提高电动汽车充电器的功率,从而提高功率密度和效率。SMPD使设计人员能够开发输出功率高达50 kW的单功率单元,而无需并联元件。使用SMPD功率元件有助于通过使用更少的元件来降低制造成本。表面贴装封装设计(如Littelfuse的设计),可以通过低热阻封装技术将散热器尺寸和成本降至最低。使用这种封装可以降低辐射和传导EMI,并具有较低的寄生电容和杂散电感。设计人员还可以通过在更高频率下工作来使用更小的电感器,从而进一步节省空间和成本。

By adopting SMPD packaging, designers can increase the power of electric vehicle chargers, thereby increasing power density and efficiency. SMPD enables designers to develop single power units with an output power of up to 50 kW without the need for parallel components. The use of SMPD power components helps reduce manufacturing costs by using fewer components. Surface mount package designs, such as Littelfuse's, minimize heat sink size and cost through low thermal resistance package technology. Using this package can reduce radiated and conducted EMI and has lower parasitic capacitance and stray inductance. Designers can also use smaller inductors by operating at higher frequencies, further saving space and costs.


Bottom line: SMPD power device packages allow designers to increase output power without significantly increasing the size and weight of the system.

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