
阿特网 2023-09-21 14:07:13

1963 出生于中国广东省中山市。随祖父张金广习武,随伯父张国雄学水彩画,随黄霞川先生学书法和水墨画,随谭雪生先生、徐坚白先生学油画,随古室俊宏先生习空手道,是丁绍光先生的入室弟子,随MALCAN HTARR先生、ALYCE先生、HERL BERT先生、TOMAS WONG先生学服装设计。后从司徒安先生习雕塑,从李四龙先生硏修哲学,从王志远先生研习宗教艺术,从薛永年先生研习美术史论与鉴赏。

1963 Born in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China.He learned martial arts with his grandfather Zhang Jinguang, learned watercolor painting with his uncle Zhang Guoxiong, learned calligraphy and ink painting with Mr. Huang Xiachuan, learned oil painting with Mr. Tan Xuesheng and Mr. Xu Jianbai, learned karate with Mr. Gushi Junhong, and was a disciple of Mr. Ding Shaoguang. He studied fashion design with Mr. MALCAN HTARR, Mr. ALYCE, Mr. HERL BERT and Mr. TOMAS WONG. Later, studied sculpture from Mr. Szeto 'an, philosophy from Mr. Li Silong, religious art from Mr. Wang Zhiyuan, and art history theory and appreciation from Mr. Xue Yongnian.

乾001  纸本设色  2022Go Up No.001Ink and color on paper288×367cm

乾002纸本设色  2022Go Up No.002Ink and color on paper367×288cm

乾003纸本设色  2022Go Up No.003Ink and color on paper288×367cm

乾004纸本设色  2022Go Up No.004Ink and color on paper288×367cm

乾005纸本设色  2022Go Up No.005Ink and color on paper288×367cm

乾006纸本设色  2022Go Up No.006Ink and color on paper367×288cm

乾007纸本设色  2022Go Up No.007Ink and color on paper367×288cm

乾008纸本设色  2022Go Up No.008Ink and color on paper367×288cm

乾009纸本设色  2022Go Up No.009Ink and color on paper288x367cm

乾010纸本设色  2022Go Up No.010Ink and color on paper288x367cm

乾011纸本设色  2022Go Up No.011Ink and color on paper144x183.5cm

乾012纸本设色  2022Go Up No.012Ink and color on paper144x183.5cm


2022 尚意——张伯世书法展,观唐美术馆,北京,中国

2021 线——张伯世艺术大展,北宋庄美术馆,北京,中国

2019 窗——张肇达油画艺术展,北京饭店馆藏艺术中心,北京,中国

2019 空灵境界——张伯世禅宗美学书画展,墨尔本会展中心,墨尔本,澳大利亚

2019 何为东西——张肇达油画与水墨画展,山水美术馆,北京,中国

2018 古月轩——张肇达当代水墨展,英国伦敦Bloomsbury Gallery,伦敦,英国

2018 线性——张肇达、张凯惠艺术联展,英国剑桥国际艺术中心,剑桥,英国

2018 何为艺术——张肇达具象与抽象画展,山水美术馆,北京,中国

2018 中国4X30设计艺术大展,北京展览馆,北京,中国

2018 张伯世书画特邀展,东京都美术馆,日本

2017 “禅景——海洋的沉思”,联合国总部,纽约,美国

2017 苍穹盘龙——150米扎染艺术长卷,洛杉矶环球影城会议大厅,洛杉矶,美国

2017 访禅终南——张肇达诗书展,环球金融中心云间美术馆,上海,中国

2017 东方炁——张肇达草书大展,宁波美术馆,宁波,中国

2016 千面一人——张肇达艺术生活大展,北京水立方,中国

2016 小筱顺子&张肇达服装艺术联展,北京钓鱼台国宾馆,中国

2016 第十六届国际书画交流展,东京都美术馆,日本

2016 天工开悟——中国当代艺术大展,今日美术馆,中国

2015 华丽中沉静——张肇达艺术大展,马奈草地美术馆,北京,中国

2014 视觉中国——爱丁堡水墨六人展,皇家文化艺术会所,爱丁堡,英国

2014 张肇达水墨作品展,杰曼顿•罗伯特•利文斯顿的故居,纽约,美国

2013 肇——张肇达艺术大展,宋庄树美术馆,北京,中国

2012 张肇达&马树清抽象绘画展,今日美术馆,北京,中国

2008 张肇达艺术展,北京版权交易中心大厅,中国

2007 张肇达油画展,清华大学美术学院,北京,中国

2005 张肇达水墨展,广州美术学院美术馆,广东,中国

Selected Exhibitions

2022 Shangyi—Zhang Boshi Calligraphy Exhibition,Guantang Art Museum, Beijing, China

2021 Line—Zhang Boshi Art Exhibition, North Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China

2019 Window—Zhang Zhaoda Oil Painting Art Exhibition, Beijing Hotel Collection Art Center, Beijing, China

2019 Ethereal Realm — Zhang Boshi Zen Aesthetics Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre,  Melbourne, Australia

2019 What is East and West — Zhang Zhaoda Oil Painting and Ink Painting Exhibition, Riverside Art Museum, Beijing, China

2018 Gu Yue Xuan—Zhang Zhaoda Contemporary Ink and Wash Exhibition, Bloomsbury Gallery, London, UK

2018 Linear—Zhang Zhaoda and Zhang Kaihui Art Joint Exhibition, Cambridge International Art Center, Cambridge, UK

2018 What is Art — Zhang Zhaoda Figurative and Abstract Painting Exhibition, Riverside Art Museum, Beijing, China

2018 China 4X30 Design Art Exhibition, Beijing Exhibition Hall, Beijing, China

2018 Zhang Boshi Calligraphy and Painting Special Invitation Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan

2017 Meditation of Zen and Contemplation of the Ocean, United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA

2017 Flying Dragon in the Sky — 150m Tie Dye Art Scroll, Conference Hall of Universal Studios, Los Angeles, USA

2017 Encounters with Zen in Zhongnan Mountain — Zhang Zhaoda Poem and Calligraphy Exhibition, Yun Jian Art Museum, Shanghai, China

2017 Qi from the East — Zhang Zhaoda Cursive Script Exhibition,Ningbo Art Museum, Ningbo, China

2016 A Person Has A Thousand Faces — Zhang Zhaoda Art and Life Exhibition, Beijing Water Cube, China

2016 Xiaoxiao Shunzi&Zhang Zhaoda Fashion Art Joint Exhibition, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Beijing, China

2016 The 16th International Calligraphy and Painting Exchange Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art, Japan

2016 From Nature To Mind — China Contemporary Art Exhibition, Today Art Museum, China

2015 The Serene of Resplendence — Zhang Zhaoda Art Exhibition, Jardin de Manet Art Space, Beijing, China

2014 Vision China — Edinburgh Ink Painting Joint Exhibition of Six Artists, Edinburgh Royal Culture Art Institute, Edinburgh, UK

2014 Zhang Zhaoda Ink Painting Exhibition, the former residence of Robert Livingston, Germanton, New York, USA

2013 Zhao — Zhang Zhaoda Art Exhibition, Songzhuang Tree Art Museum, Beijing, China

2012 Zhang Zhaoda&Ma Shuqing Abstract Painting Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

2008 Zhang Zhaoda Art Exhibition, Beijing Copyright Trading Center Hall, China

2007 Zhang Zhaoda Oil Painting Exhibition, Academy of arts&design, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2005 Zhang Zhaoda Ink Painting Exhibition, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangdong, China

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