
U才优料 2024-04-20 13:49:34


Since the United States launched a chip ban on Chinese technology companies such as Huawei in 2019, China's semiconductor industry has fallen into an unprecedented predicament. Under the technology blockade and supply chain fragmentation in the United States, the long-term supply of high-end chips in China is tight, and many enterprises and industries are facing severe challenges.


Yet crisis often breeds change. As the article said at the beginning," The days of falling behind and being beaten are over!" After being forced to embark on the road of independent innovation, China's chip industry has not only not been obstructed by US sanctions, but has ushered in unprecedented rapid development. The latest news shows that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has ordered telecom operators to phase out US-made chips as soon as possible and fully promote domestic alternatives. This undoubtedly marks a new level of China's chip autonomous controllable process.


What is driving the Chinese semiconductor industry to achieve such a breakthrough? Where will it go in the future? From the perspective of technological innovation, national policies and industrial ecology, this article will give you a comprehensive interpretation of the opportunities and challenges on the road of China's chip autonomy and control.


Technological innovation: Overcoming key chip bottlenecks


As we all know, chip as the core foundation of modern electronic information industry, its research and development and manufacturing involve many key technical links, is a technology-intensive, capital-intensive high-investment industry. In the past few decades, the United States has dominated the global chip industry landscape with its technological advantages in the semiconductor field.


However, in recent years, under the technological blockade of the United States, Chinese semiconductor companies are gradually overcoming the technical bottlenecks of chip research and development and manufacturing, and constantly narrowing the gap with the international advanced level.


The first is a breakthrough in the manufacturing process of integrated circuits. In the past, China has always had a significant disadvantage in the advanced process technology of 14nm and below, and the key core equipment has been almost monopolized by foreign countries. However, in recent years, with the strong support of national policies, domestic leading enterprises such as SMIC and China Resources Microelectronics have achieved mass production breakthroughs in advanced manufacturing processes. Among them, SMIC has even achieved the world's leading level in the 28nm process. This has laid a solid foundation for the application of domestic chips in more fields.

其次是在关键电路IP设计上的创新。IP(Intellectual Property)是芯片设计的基础,掌握关键电路IP是实现芯片自主可控的关键。近年来,华为海思、寒武纪等企业在CPU、GPU、NPU等关键IP设计上取得了突破性进展,在业界树立了良好的技术标杆。同时,国内IP公司的生态也在不断完善,为芯片设计商提供了更丰富的选择。

The second is the innovation in the key circuit IP design. IP(Intellectual Property) is the basis of chip design, and mastering the key circuit IP is the key to realize the autonomy and controllability of the chip. In recent years, Huawei hisilicon, Cambrian and other enterprises have made breakthroughs in the design of key IP such as CPU, GPU, and NPU, setting a good technical benchmark in the industry. At the same time, the ecology of domestic IP companies is also constantly improving, providing a richer choice for chip designers.


The third is autonomy in the areas of testing and packaging. Under the previous sanctions, Chinese companies were once frustrated in advanced packaging and testing equipment and processes. However, under the national policy support and enterprise independent innovation, micro and micro companies, NaURA and other companies have formed a strong independent research and development capability in this field, greatly reducing the dependence on imported equipment.


In addition, in the field of key manufacturing equipment, China has also achieved a series of major breakthroughs. In the past, the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography machine, which was regarded as the "bottom of the box" technology, has been independently developed by Chinese enterprises and entered mass production. This independent innovation in manufacturing core equipment will greatly improve the overall level of semiconductor manufacturing in China.


It can be said that in the "key technology battle" in the past few years, Chinese semiconductor companies have made breakthroughs in many key links such as process technology, IP design, and sealed test manufacturing through continuous independent innovation, laying a solid technical foundation for the realization of chip autonomy and controllability.


Policy support: Build a sound industrial ecology


Technological innovation is important, but without good policy support and industrial ecology, it is difficult to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, the Chinese government has played a key guiding and promoting role in the process of chip autonomy and control.


The first is to introduce a series of support policies. In recent years, The State Council, the Ministry of Industry and other departments have successively launched important policy documents such as the "New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Development Plan" and the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Modern Service Industries", which clearly focus on the development of advanced manufacturing and the cultivation of strategic emerging industries. In this context, core technology areas such as semiconductors have become key policy support objects. In terms of tax incentives, financing support and personnel training, the government has introduced a series of practical support measures to create a good environment for the innovation and development of enterprises.


Second, we will continue to increase investment in basic research. As a technology-intensive industry, chip requires a large amount of continuous basic research accumulation to achieve breakthrough progress. By increasing funding for basic scientific research and setting up special funds, the Chinese government has injected a steady stream of impetus into industrial innovation. At the same time, it has also established an innovation support system covering the whole chain of personnel training, technological research, and achievement transformation, which has effectively improved the collaborative efficiency of production, university and research.


Third, we will promote coordinated development between the upstream and downstream sectors. As a typical "system engineering ", the chip industry needs close cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises to form a complete industrial chain. Through the formulation of industrial planning and the establishment of industrial alliances, the government has promoted the coordinated development of chip design, manufacturing, sealing, equipment and other links, creating a whole industrial chain ecosystem from "materials - equipment - manufacturing - application".


In addition, the government is actively creating a social environment conducive to innovation. On the one hand, the introduction of a more flexible talent policy to attract top global talents to join the domestic semiconductor business; On the other hand, we will strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and create a safe and reliable institutional environment for enterprise innovation.


It can be said that under the government's precise policy, China's chip industry is gradually forming a perfect innovation ecosystem. This not only provides a solid support for enterprise technological innovation, but also lays a solid foundation for the leapfrog development of the industry as a whole.


Industry integration: Promote domestic substitution of chips


Industry integration: Promote domestic substitution of chips


First of all, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology requires telecom operators to phase out American-made chips as soon as possible, which signals that domestic chips will replace imported chips on a large scale and become the dominant force in telecom networks. This is not only for national security considerations, but also means that domestic chips have enough technical strength and industrialization capabilities to meet the application needs of key fields.


Secondly, in the fields of automotive electronics and industrial control, domestic chips are also rising rapidly. Well-known domestic enterprises such as CRRC Group, Hikvision, etc., have fully adopted domestic chips to replace imported chips. This can not only improve the safety and controllability of the system, but also help stimulate the innovation vitality of the entire industry chain.


Third, in the field of consumer electronics, domestic chips are also penetrating the high-end market. Huawei Kirin, Hisilicon Kirin and other self-developed chips, not only in performance with the international first-class level, but also in power consumption, function integration and other aspects of unique advantages, are gradually replacing Qualcomm, Intel and other international giants.


In addition, in the segmented fields of artificial intelligence accelerators and memory, domestic substitution has also made breakthrough progress. Leading enterprises such as SMIC and Unigroup Storage are rapidly expanding their market share and narrowing the gap with the international level.


It should be pointed out that this domestic substitution process is not an overnight process, but a gradual process. In some key areas, domestic chip capabilities can not completely replace imported chips. But it is certain that under the dual drive of technological innovation and policy support, China's chip industry is moving toward the goal of autonomy and control. In the future, the penetration of domestic chips in more application fields will further promote the transformation and upgrading of the entire industrial chain.


Challenges and prospects: Build on the momentum and seek technological leadership


Although China's chip industry has made impressive progress, it still faces many challenges to overcome.


The first is the gap in advanced process technology. Although SMIC has made a breakthrough in the 28nm process, there is still a certain gap between Chinese enterprises and international leaders such as TSMC and Samsung in the technological leadership of 7nm and below processes. How to speed up the research and development innovation on the cutting-edge process is the key problem to be solved urgently.


The second is the bottleneck in the independent research and development of key equipment and materials. Although China has made progress in some areas such as etching machines and lithography machines, it is still highly dependent on imports in "lifeblood" technologies such as extreme ultraviolet lithography machines and advanced photoresist. To solve this problem, we need to continuously increase investment in basic research and cultivate more key talents.


The third is the difficulty of talent training and team building. Chip design and development needs a large number of high-end technical personnel, but at present, there is still a relative shortage of relevant professionals in China. At the same time, the chip industry has very high requirements for team collaboration, and how to establish an efficient R & D team is also a challenge to be solved.


In addition, the improvement of the supporting capacity of the industrial chain is also a long-term problem. The chip industry is a huge system project, which requires a high degree of cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises. How to further promote the coordinated development of all links of the industrial chain is also the direction that needs continuous efforts.


But no matter what challenges, as long as we adhere to innovation-driven and give full play to policy dividends, China's chip industry will eventually occupy a dominant position in the future competition.


First of all, with the continuous enhancement of domestic chip research and development strength, in the future, in the fields of advanced process technology, independent research and development of key equipment, Chinese enterprises are expected to narrow the gap with international giants, and even catch up. At present, companies such as SMIC are significantly increasing capital expenditure and accelerating R&D investment in 7nm and even 5nm processes, which will lay the foundation for the leapfrog development of China's chip industry.


Secondly, in terms of personnel training and team building, the government and enterprises are taking a series of measures. From the introduction of a more flexible talent policy, to the establishment of a talent training base for the chip industry, to encouraging colleges and universities to strengthen talent training, these measures will gradually optimize the talent ecology of the chip industry. At the same time, large enterprises are also actively building high-end R & D teams, improving project management capabilities, and providing talent guarantee for the research of key chip technologies.


Third, in terms of supporting the industrial chain, local governments are sparing no effort to promote the agglomeration of upstream and downstream enterprises and promote the improvement of industrial ecology. With the help of industrial parks, industrial alliances and other models, it effectively connects key links, provides a broad cooperation platform for all parties in the industrial chain, and accelerates the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain.


It can be predicted that under the joint promotion of technological innovation, policy support and industrial integration, China's chip industry will certainly be proud in the future competition and achieve a leading position in key technology fields. This is not only a strong response to the US technology blockade, but also a demonstration of China's independent innovation strength. In the future, Chinese chips will become an important cornerstone to support national scientific and technological strength and industrial competitiveness.

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