
摄影本源科技 2024-04-27 19:31:20
人们在手机上阅读很多内容,甚至长时间盯着手机屏幕看电影或玩游戏,然而,长时间盯着屏幕可能会导致眼睛疲劳、干燥,甚至影响睡眠。 如何减少玻璃反光是问题所在? 最好的方法之一是等待 iPhone 17,据报道,苹果将在iPhone 17系列中采用所谓的“防眩光玻璃”,但这需要时间,苹果需要与制造商进行谈判。 另一种方式是购买一个防眩光手机屏蔽器贴在手机上,这在一定程度上可以减少眩光或减少蓝光,让您感觉更舒适。但这种屏蔽器是需要成本的。看看 OtterBox 或 Ocushield等品牌售价超过300元的屏幕抗反光,真是令人惊讶。 很多人通过设置或控制中心降低亮度来减少眩光,但事实上眩光仍然存在。你调节的其实是亮度。 另一种方法,也是最好的方法,是通过设置⇢ 减少“白点”。 在阅读时在黑暗环境中调节白点是非常值得的,只需在手机Side按钮上点击3次即可唤醒“减少白点”功能,有助于保护您的视力。 您当然也可以通过设置⇢辅助功能⇢白点来调整白点百分比左右移动滚动条以适合您的光线。 您可以随时通过连续点击手机侧边按钮关闭白点,这样可以随时打开或关闭快捷方式。 以上列出了在阅读手机时通过调整白点来保护视力的方法,希望对您有所帮助。 English original:John 邢志广 People read a lot on phone or even stare at phone screen for watching film or playing game even, however, for your long time as stare of screen your eyes may refrain or feeling fatigue, bits dries or even affect you sleep. It’s the point of how to reduce the glare from glass? One of the best way is awaiting iPhone 17 which as reported Apple will use what’s call the “anti glare glasses” for iPhone 17 series and then forwards, but it needs time for Apple to negotiate with its suppliers who are of making of. The other way is to buy an Anti-glare phone Shield to be pasted on your phone which more or less reduce glare or reduce blue light and you shall feel bits of comfortable. But the shield needs costs. Look at brand of OtterBox or Ocushield sells the cover over 300 RMB, it’s so amazed. More people reduce the brightness by Settings or Control Center to adjust the brightness but in fact the glare is still there existing. What you adjust is the brightness actually. Another way and it’s the best way is to reduce “white point” via Stetting ⇢ It’s worthy of adjusting the White Point while you’re reading in a dark environment, by just the 3 clicks on the phone’s Side Button to rouse the Reduce White Point is of help you sight care. And you can of course adjust the White Point percentage vis Setting ⇢ Accessibility ⇢ White Point Point left or right move the bar fitting your suitable lightness. You can at anytime to close the White Point by Triply Clicking your phone’s Side Button so as to Off or On the Shortcut at any time. So the above listed the ways of taking care of your eyesight by White Point adjusting while you’re reading phones, wish it’s of be beneficial to you.
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