陈常淑:1954年生人,现为沂蒙画派国画师院士、山东省企业家协会会员、山东省美术协会会员、莒州书画院和副秘书长、日照市美术家协会会员。专精于山水国画,形成个人独特画风。部分荣誉:2004年参加当代著名书画精品赴欧洲展获特优奖,作品被台北乾隆艺术馆收藏;2009年作品《春江图》被中国美术家协会培训中心收藏。2009年在德运杯第三届中国山西国际书画艺术展、第二届洪桐大槐树国际书画艺术展中获佳作奖。2009年《山涧清泉》入选“新中国成立六十周年齐鲁书画名家作品展” 2010年参加山东省美术家协会写生培训班、峨庄写生培训中获优秀奖。2010年作品《溪山流泉》入选全国楹联书法绘声绘画邀请展。2010年天津画家杂志社出版《陈常淑个人画集》。2011年作品入展日照·平泽第八届中韩书画交流展。2011年作品《群山岱崮》入展山东省15届美术新人新作展。2012年作品《高山流水汇知音》在文心杯首届莒州书画作品展中获十优国画作品奖。2012年作品《青山看不厌》在喜迎十八大全国儒商书画展中获二等奖。陈常淑:1954年生人,现为沂蒙画派国画师院士、山东省企业家协会会员、山东省美术协会会员、莒州书画院和副秘书长、日照市美术家协会会员。专精于山水国画,形成个人独特画风。部分荣誉:2004年参加当代著名书画精品赴欧洲展获特优奖,作品被台北乾隆艺术馆收藏;2009年作品《春江图》被中国美术家协会培训中心收藏。2009年在德运杯第三届中国山西国际书画艺术展、第二届洪桐大槐树国际书画艺术展中获佳作奖。2009年《山涧清泉》入选“新中国成立六十周年齐鲁书画名家作品展” 2010年参加山东省美术家协会写生培训班、峨庄写生培训中获优秀奖。2010年作品《溪山流泉》入选全国楹联书法绘声绘画邀请展。2010年天津画家杂志社出版《陈常淑个人画集》。2011年作品入展日照·平泽第八届中韩书画交流展。2011年作品《群山岱崮》入展山东省15届美术新人新作展。2012年作品《高山流水汇知音》在文心杯首届莒州书画作品展中获十优国画作品奖。2012年作品《青山看不厌》在喜迎十八大全国儒商书画展中获二等奖。
Chen Changshu: born in 1954, currently an academician of the Yimeng School of Chinese Painting, a member of the Shandong Entrepreneurs Association, a member of the Shandong Fine Arts Association, the Deputy Secretary General of the Juzhou Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and a member of the Rizhao Artists Association. Specializing in landscape Chinese painting, forming a unique personal style. Partial honors: In 2004, participated in the exhibition of contemporary famous calligraphy and painting works in Europe and won the Special Excellence Award. The works were collected by the Qianlong Art Museum in Taipei; The 2009 work 'Spring River Painting' was collected by the Training Center of the China Artists Association. In 2009, he won the Excellence Award at the 3rd China Shanxi International Painting and Calligraphy Art Exhibition and the 2nd Hongtong Dahuai Tree International Painting and Calligraphy Art Exhibition of the Deyun Cup. In 2009, "Clear Springs in Mountain Streams" was selected for the "Qilu Painting and Calligraphy Masters Exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of New China". In 2010, it participated in the sketching training of Shandong Artists Association and won the Excellence Award in the Ezhuang sketching training. In 2010, the work "Stream Mountain Flowing Spring" was selected for the National Couplet Calligraphy, Painting, Sound and Painting Invitation Exhibition. In 2010, Tianjin Painter Magazine published "Chen Changshu's Personal Painting Collection". In 2011, the works were exhibited at the 8th China Korea Calligraphy and Painting Exchange Exhibition in Pingze, Rizhao. In 2011, the work 'Mountain Range Daigu' was exhibited at the 15th Shandong Province Art Newcomer New Works Exhibition. In 2012, the work "High Mountains and Flowing Water Gathering with a Friend" won the Ten Excellent Chinese Painting Works Award at the first Juzhou Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of Wenxin Cup. In 2012, the work 'Endless Appreciation of Green Mountains' won the second prize at the National Confucian Merchant Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition in celebration of the 18th National Congress.