
摄影本源科技 2024-04-24 19:54:53
苹果发布的17.5前两个Beats仅有一周时间,今天苹果发布了第三个Beta版本供开发者升级,适用于iPhone、iPad以及Apple Watch用户。 iPhone iOS 17.5可以在设置中 - 软件升级-进行切换升级,您可以直接通过WiFi完成升级到最新版本。 对于iPad用户来说,升级是最有可能的选择。 和之前的两个Beta版本一样,目前尚未发现新版本的特性,然而从软件中可以看出,苹果将为iPad Pro用户推出新的Magic Keyboard,这是自2010年以来在硬件方面的最新更新,希望这款键盘能够如报道中所言,由高品质铝制成,外观优雅。 同时,据报道,还会推出一支铅笔,可以让您像童年时代握着一支铅笔一样轻松绘画。 而且,这些铅笔还会具有“查找我的”功能,可以随时链接到您的iCloud。 对于Apple Watch的升级版本,如果您是开发者,只需打开Apple Watch应用,转至“设置”中“常规”下的“软件更新”部分,即可升级到新版本。请记住,您的手表在升级期间必须充电至50%或更高,并且在升级过程中不能拿掉充电器。 It’s just a week after the first two Beats published by Apple, and this day Apple seeds the third Betas for Developers bling to upgrade for iPhones, iPad for Apple Watches users. iPhone iOS 17.5 can be toggled in Setting of Upgrading and you could upgrade directly from the WiFi having finished the purgation to latest version. To iPad users it’s the likeliest for the upgrading. As usual before the two versions of Betas, its not found with version new feats, however, It’s found from the software, that Apple shall lanhch new Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro users, It’ss the newest upgrading in terms of hardware upgrading since 2010 year, and hopefully the Keyboard is as reported of alluminum made with decent looking and of good quality. Pencils as well found and as reported which could be drawing more easily like you are having in your hand a pencil in your childhood times. As well, pencils shall have the features of”Find My” linking to your iCloud all the times. For Apple Watch version upgrading if your being developers, just need to open the Apple Watch app, go to the Software Update section under "General" in Settings, and you can upgrade to the New, but remember, your Watch must be on charge of battery up to 50 per cent or more and during the upgrading could not having watch leafing off the Charge. ...以上
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