
U才优料 2024-04-23 14:44:27


Huawei Pura70, which is equipped with the latest chip, was sold out, and when all Western countries were still studying where Huawei's chips came from, the two giants of the chip industry, Nvidia and ASML, saw their stock prices plummet one after another.


Interesting is: according to the news recently announced by the media, the chip industry is estimated to change the day, this all understand?


We have made breakthrough progress in the production of high-end chips such as "photoresist", "quantum light source chip", and "wafer production capacity"! What kind of signal is that?



the "big sell" is not just because of feelings


On a seemingly ordinary day, Huawei launched its new smartphone Pura70 without warning, which not only sold out instantly, but also set off a wave of discussion in the entire tech world. The Kirin 9010 chip in the Pura70 not only redefines efficient computing with its outstanding performance, but also marks a giant leap forward for us in the global high-tech field.


According to the test results of many dismantling test bloggers:

麒麟9010芯片的亮点在于其独特的CPU配置,这种多核心设计使得Pura70在处理复杂任务和多任务操作时更为高效,极大地提升了用户体验。更为重要的是,这款芯片在GeekBench 6基准测试中的单核得分高达1442分,多核得分更是达到了4471分,轻松超越前代产品,甚至在某些性能测试中与顶级竞争对手骁龙888不相上下,多核性能更是接近骁龙7+ Gen 2,也就是说已经打开了3nm芯片的大门。

The highlight of the Kirin 9010 chip is its unique CPU configuration, and this multi-core design makes the Pura70 more efficient in handling complex tasks and multi-tasking operations, greatly improving the user experience. More importantly, the chip scored 1,442 points in the GeekBench 6 benchmark test, and the multi-core score reached 4471 points, easily surpassing the previous generation of products, and even comparable to the top competitor Snapdragon 888 in some performance tests, and the multi-core performance is close to the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2. That is to say, it has opened the door to 3nm chips.


But Huawei's technological transformation does not stop there. Pura70 also introduces AI photography technology, which optimizes photography Settings with deep learning algorithms, making it easy for ordinary users to capture professional-grade photos.


In addition, the phone also applies the bidirectional Beidou system for the first time, a breakthrough function that not only improves positioning accuracy, but also enhances navigation in complex environments.


The integration of this technology not only demonstrates Huawei's deep heritage in technology research and development, but also challenges global technical standards. Huawei's success lies not only in the high sales volume of its products, but also in its ability to drive the development direction of the entire industry through continuous technological innovation.


However, this rapid technological progress has also caused turbulence in the market, especially for those Western chip giants that have long relied on their established technological advantages.


With the promotion of Huawei's new technology, the power pattern of the global chip market is quietly changing.


On the one hand, the strong performance of Huawei's Kirin 9010 chip is redefining users' expectations for smartphones;


On the other hand, it also directly threatens the market share of companies like Nvidia. Huawei's breakthrough is not only a technical victory, but also a bold bet on the market and strategy.


The ripples of this technological change are not limited to the smartphone market. As global technology standards are being reshuffled, the recent experience of fellow chip giants Nvidia and ASML is enough to show that every player in the chip industry must rethink their strategic direction.



The Big Two have big heads


On the stage of the global chip market, a change triggered by us is quietly rewriting the rules. Huawei's release of the Pura70 and its Kirin 9010 chip have not only made significant progress in technology, but also caused an earthquake in the market, the epicenter of which is chip giant Nvidia and lithography machine manufacturer ASML.


Nvidia, once the undisputed leader of the chip industry, saw its shares plunge 10 percent in just a few days, wiping $200 billion off its market value overnight. Such numbers not only shocked the market, but also left investors and industry analysts searching for the underlying reasons. Is it a market correction or a harbinger of technological change?


The answer, it seems, is not simple. Asml as the global lithography machine technology hegemon, the continuous decline in its share price is indicating that the technical balance in the industry is being broken by new competitors.


The share price crash reflects not only the market's reaction to Huawei's technological breakthrough, but also a deeper change - the global supply chain for chip manufacturing is being reshaped. Huawei's technological breakthroughs not only improve the performance of its own products, but also directly threaten Nvidia's position in the high-performance computing market.


At the same time, if a key breakthrough in lithography technology is achieved, as is rumored, the market advantage of the Western countries may be lost.


The market reaction was swift and emotional. From Wall Street to Silicon Valley to the financial centers of Europe, investors are reassessing the map of the future of the chip industry.


On this map, we are gradually moving from a marginal player to a central character. Huawei's success this time is not only a technological victory, but also a strategic victory, which effectively uses domestic and foreign market and technical resources, breaking the long-term monopoly of Western enterprises in some high-end technology fields.


As shares of Nvidia and ASML wobbly, investors and technology companies around the world are watching closely to see what the two companies do next. Taking Nvidia's technological innovation and ASML's market performance as research objects, we can find that although they face challenges in the short term, it may also become an opportunity for them to carry out technological innovation and strategic adjustment.


How to stay ahead in the new global competitive environment is an urgent issue for these chip giants.


From Huawei's point of view, this series of technological and market breakthroughs not only changed its image on the international stage, but also opened up a broad road for the future of our chip technology. With the gradual localization of chip technology, our role in the global supply chain is changing from follower to leader.



Redefine the voice of the chip


With the hot sale of Huawei's new smartphone Pura70 and the technological breakthrough of Kirin 9010 chip, our chip industry has not only demonstrated its technological strength, but also caused a seismic re-layout in the global supply chain.


This technological change triggered by the East is not only a victory for our chip independent manufacturing capabilities, but also a profound shock in the global economic and policy landscape.


In the past, the global chip supply chain was highly dependent on technology and materials from the United States and other Western countries. From silicon wafers to photolithography machines, from design software to packaging technology, Western companies have monopolized almost every key aspect of chip manufacturing. As companies like Huawei stand out through innovation and technological breakthroughs.


The power centers of the global chip supply chain are beginning to shift subtly. We have not only made significant progress in self-developed chips, but also reduced our dependence on external resources through this technological independence, which means a fundamental shift in the global supply chain.


The implications of this shift are manifold. First, technological autonomy brings diversification of supply chains. With the rise of us and other Asian countries in chip manufacturing, the global market began to transition from the previous Western single supply chain to a diversified supply chain.


This not only brings more competitors to the global chip market, but also provides more choices and flexibility for downstream industries such as mobile phones and computers. For example, Huawei's Pura70 uses the entire domestic supply chain, which not only reduces costs, but also increases the resistance to external shocks, which is especially important in the global market.


Our progress in chip technology has forced other countries and regions to re-examine and adjust their own technology and industrial policies. To stay competitive, many countries are investing more in semiconductor research and development and production facilities, while also seeking closer partnerships with emerging chip producers such as ours. This policy and economic adjustment not only affects the global economic structure, but also promotes the pace of global scientific and technological innovation to a certain extent.


As our chips gradually have the strength to compete with international giants in performance and cost, the competitive landscape of the global chip market is undergoing fundamental changes. This change is not only at the technical and market level, but also touches on broader areas such as global trade, technical standards and intellectual property rights.



Who will control the future


As we make significant progress in chip technology, the eyes of the global market are now focused not only on our current achievements, but also on an important question: Where will our chip technology go in the future? In the ocean of technology, where is our chip ship heading?


Technological innovation is the core driving force for the sustainable development of our chip industry. From Huawei's Kirin 9010 chip to the breakthrough of multi-core processors, our chip technology has begun to get rid of the shackles of relying on foreign technology in the past, and move toward independent research and development and property rights innovation. But the road to innovation may not necessarily be a smooth one.


With the continuous progress of technology, how to maintain the speed of innovation while ensuring the safety and reliability of technology is a big challenge in front of our chip industry. For example, the design and manufacturing of high-end chips not only requires a large amount of capital investment, but also requires a high-level R & D team and mature technical ecological support.


International cooperation and competition will be another key factor. Our chip companies need to seek cooperation opportunities with international partners while maintaining their autonomy, and expand their influence through technical exchanges and market sharing.


At the same time, in the face of competitive pressure from large international companies, how to maintain competitiveness in the global market requires our chip companies to constantly improve their own technical level and market response strategies.


Policy support will be another pillar to promote the development of our chip technology. When formulating relevant policies and providing financial support, it is necessary to take into account the long-term needs of industry development and the overall situation of national strategy. For example, increasing investment in basic research, optimizing tax and trade policies for the chip industry, and establishing a more complete intellectual property protection mechanism are all important measures to support the healthy development of the chip industry.

结  语



The development of our chip technology will not only be about the technology itself, but also about the redistribution of global technological power. In this process, how we balance innovation and cooperation, autonomy and openness, will directly affect its position and role in the global chip industry.


As we continue to make breakthroughs in this area, the world will also witness the formation of a new technological landscape. It's a future story of technology and power, innovation and collaboration, and that story is just beginning.


Is the signal clear enough this time?

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