
清溪壶语课程 2024-05-24 05:54:31
阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 I was confident at the audition (试演) for the school play and felt pleased to get a role. It just felt good to be in the play, even if I had only four or five lines. I worked hard at perfecting those lines. I repeated them over and over again. I put in the emphases and intonations (语调) that my drama teacher had suggested and, because I was on stage much longer than for just four or five lines, I had many actions to rehearse (排练) and perform. “Do them in front of a mirror,” my drama teacher had advised me. “Watch how you look; practice and rehearse as often as you can.” I did just that. I worked and worked at it. It was fun and exciting rehearsing.Then finally the big night came. Suddenly, things felt different. The theater was full of people. As I dressed, I could hear the chatting and noises of the audience. I looked around at the other more experienced actors and saw that their previous confidence seemed to have disappeared. Had they got their makeup right? Was the costume done up correctly? What if they forgot their lines? The more people talked about their anxiety, the more nervous everyone became. The worries spread from person to another—like a baton (接力棒) being passed in a relay race—until the whole of the backstage area seemed to be full of tension and worry.I was on stage early, at first performing my non-spoken role in the background with several other guys around the same age. When, suddenly, I heard my cue (出场提示), the lights were bright in my eyes, I couldn’t see the audience but knew there were hundreds of people out there all watching me. The words that had flowed so easily when I stood in front of a mirror didn’t want to come, and when they did I found myself hurrying into them. I tried to slow down my thoughts and my words.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。But I suddenly realized I had missed a sentence._____________________________________________________I bowed to the audience excitedly and went back to my drama teacher.______________________________________________________ 解 析 本文以故事情节发展的顺序为线索,讲述了作者在学校话剧试演中成功获得一个角色,虽然只有四五行台词,作者却非常努力的反复排练,并且按照戏剧老师建议,站在镜子前尽可能多地去练。作者很享受排练的过程。然而,正式演出的那天,台下坐满了观众,大家以往的自信忽然一扫而光,一个个变得紧张不安起来。这种紧张和不安的气氛开始在作者和其他人中间蔓延开来。作者受其他人紧张情绪的影响,也感到了前所未有的紧张和不安。当轮到作者要上台说台词时,作者发现自己原来背的滚瓜烂熟,脱口而出的台词忘了一句。 1.段落续写:( 1 )第一段句首内容 “但我突然意识到我漏掉了一个句子。” 可知,第一段可以描写 “我努力回忆漏掉的那句话并感到紧张不安,在老师的帮助和暗示下,我想起了台词并逐渐恢复自信,观众为我鼓掌声,我表示感谢” 的相关细节。( 2 ) 第二段句首内容 “我兴奋地向观众鞠了一躬,然后回到我的戏剧老师那里。” 可知,第二段可以描写“ 演出结束后,我向老师表达我的感激之情,老师同时表扬了我的表现并给予了鼓励。我很开心有这么一次经历并急切地盼望下一次表演” 的相关细节。 2.续写线索:忘记台词——紧张不安——得到帮助——情绪平复——观众鼓掌——回到戏剧老师那里——老师表扬——内心感悟——期盼下一次表演高分句型1Despite my efforts, the words failed, leaving me flustered on stage. (运用了现在分词作状语)高分句型2As the scene progressed, I gradually regained my composure, focusing on my lines and actions.(运用了as引导的时间状语从句和现在分词短语focusing on作状语) 参 考 范 文 But I suddenly realized I had missed a sentence. I could feel my heart poundingand my mouth was dry. Despite my efforts, the words failed, leaving me flustered on stage. (运用了现在分词作状语)I was at a loss what to do. Just then, I saw my drama teacher standing in the backstage area and tried to remind me with a gesture.The lineflashed into my mind. As the scene progressed, I gradually regained my composure, focusing on my lines and actions. (运用了as引导的时间状语从句和现在分词作状语)When the moment came to take my bow, a wave of relief washed over me. I bowed to the audience excitedly and went back to my drama teacher. With gratitude in my heart, I thanked her with a big hug. She praised my performance and encouraged me a lot. Reflecting on the night’s events, (运用了现在分词作状语)I realized that even amidst the tension and worry, I had delivered a memorable performance. With newfound confidence, I eagerly awaited the next opportunity.
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