
阿特网 2023-12-28 14:43:19


1987 出生于武汉

2009 毕业于湖北美术学院壁画与综合材料绘画系,获学士学位

2012 毕业于湖北美术学院美术学系,获硕士学位

2018 美国哥伦比亚密苏里大学访问学者

现居武汉, 任教于江汉大学美术学院

Wang Yuan

1987 Born in Wuhan

2009 Graduated from the Mural and Complex Material Arts, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, with a bachelor's degree

2012 Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, with a master's degree

2018 Visiting Research Scholar, University of Missouri-Columbia (MU)

Currently Lives in Wuhan, teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts, Jianghan University

货郎图小剧场之美杜莎木筏  纸本水彩  2021

Pedlar's Theater: Medusa Raft

Watercolour on paper


货郎图小剧场之石间宇宙  纸本水彩  2021

Pedlar's Theater: Universe Between Stones

Watercolour on paper


货郎图小剧场之灵兽奇观  纸本水彩  2021

Pedlar's Theater: Spirit Beast Wonders

Watercolour on paper


王苑的作品《货郎图小剧场》与《美杜莎之凝视》系列,通过借用不同的东西方神话、民间志怪等文本,探讨了当代视域下的消费文化、人们的感知方式、女性身份等文化问题,并以超现实的方法展开了她的叙事剧场。王苑笔下的人物与神兽符号,既源于楚地艺术中恢诡橘怪的特质、也融合了奥斯卡施莱默的包豪斯式抽象几何手法,这也使得鹿角、灵蛇、云纹与抽象的人体奇异的并置在作品中文/鲁虹批评家、策展人合美术馆执行馆长The series of Wang Yuan's works "Pedlar's Theater" and "Gaze of Medusa" explore the cultural issues of consumer culture, people's perception and women's identity from the contemporary perspective by borrowing different texts such as Eastern and Western myths and folk legends, and unfold her narrative theater in a surreal way. The characters and animal symbols in Wang Yuan's works are not only derived from the characteristics of strange oranges and monsters in Chu art, but also integrated with Oscar Schlemmer's Bauhaus style Abstract geometry, which also makes antlers, spirit snakes, cloud patterns and abstract human bodies strangely juxtaposed in her works.Text / Lu HongCritic, CuratorExecutive Curator of United Art Museum


行为、影像  2分51秒  2021

Blue Dwarf's Melancholy Bottomless Hole:

If I Could Understand, Will You Feel Better

Performance, Video 2 minutes 51 seconds



Blue Dwarf's Melancholy Bottomless Hole:

If I Could Understand, Will You Feel Better


如果说王苑绘画艺术的神秘叙事来自于湘楚大地的精灵神怪的话,那么,从《山海经》到南宋画家李嵩《货郎图》等经典视觉文本则为她的绘画打下了厚重的中国传统文化底蕴。在王苑这里,鲜明的东方文化和细腻的女性意识并不是消极的限制性力量,它们像是繁星闪烁的夜空或是知觉涌动的火山口,是开启而不是闭锁,是奔流而不是隐藏。也就是说,王苑艺术的想象力是没有边界的,她将东方与西方、传统与当代、刻画与书写、性别与超性别等诸多因素巧妙而有机地综合起来,构筑了一个既可见又不可见的、只属于王苑的神秘世界。文/彭肜批评家、策展人四川大学艺术学院教授、博士生导师If the mysterious narration of Wang Yuan's painting art comes from the elves and monsters in Hunan and Chu, then theic visual texts such as "Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "the drawing of Pedlar" by Li Song of the Southern Song Dynasty have laid a solid foundation of Chinese traditional culture for her painting. Here, the distinctive oriental culture and delicate female consciousness are not negative restrictive forces. They are like the starry night sky or the surging crater of perception, which is open rather than closed, running rather than hidden. In other words, the imagination of Wang Yuan's art has no boundary. She skillfully and organically combines many factors such as East and West, tradition and contemporary, depiction and writing, gender and super gender, and constructs a mysterious world that is both visible and invisible and only belongs to Wang Yuan.Text / Peng RongCritic, CuratorProfessor and Doctoral Supervisor of Art School of Sichuan University



尺寸可变  2021

Blue Dwarf's Melancholy Bottomless Hole:

The Wandering Journey of Thorn No.2

Installation, mixed media, locust, gold leaf, azurite, fox spine, etc.

variable size



尺寸可变  2021

Blue Dwarf's Melancholy Bottomless Hole:

The Wandering Journey of Thorn No.3

Installation, mixed media, locust, gold leaf, azurite, fox spine, etc.

variable size



尺寸可变  2021

Blue Dwarf's Melancholy Bottomless Hole:

The Wandering Journey of Thorn No.1

Installation, mixed media, locust, gold leaf, azurite, fox spine, etc.

variable size

王苑的画,奇谲诡灵;中国历代不乏奇谲之作,《人物御龙帛画》、顾恺之《洛神赋图》、龚开《中山出游图》、罗聘《鬼趣图》等均可为证;比如《洛神赋图》,画中灵兽众多:风神“屏翳”,人身兽足的女娲,水中跃波追逐的水灵,鹿角马面、蛇颈羊身的海龙;只不过受制于儒家“子不语怪力乱神”的教条限制,奇谲诡灵之风始终不曾蔚为大观,当代绘画挖掘、重启该路线,王苑即其中的突出代表;我记忆中的王苑,是一位精致、梦幻的女性,她的画蕴含了她的性情,温婉的气息和丰富的细节里颤涌出艺术家谬妄疯狂的挣扎力度。文/段君中国美术批评家年会副秘书长Wang Yuan's paintings are ingenious and flexible; There are many ingenious works in Chinese dynasties, such as "the silk painting of Figure against the Dragon", Gu Kaizhi's painting of "Luoshen Fu", Gong Kai's painting of "traveling in Zhongshan" and Luo pin's painting of "Ghost Interest"; For example, in the painting of "Luoshen Fu", there are many spirits and beasts in the painting: the "Ping Yi" of the Wind God, Nuwa with human body and animal feet, the water spirit chased by leaping waves in the water, and antlers horse faces, snake neck and sheep body; However, limited by the Confucian dogma of "Don't talk about ghosts", the ingenious and flexible spirit has never been a great sight. Wang Yuan is the outstanding representative of contemporary painting in excavating and restarting this route; In my memory, Wang Yuan is an exquisite and dreamy woman. Her paintings contain her temperament, gentle atmosphere and rich details, and the artist's absurd and crazy struggle is surging out of her paintings.Text/Duan JunDeputy Secretary General of the China Annual Critics Assembly



尺寸可变  2021

Blue Dwarf's Melancholy Bottomless Hole:

The Wandering Journey of Thorn

Installation, mixed media, locust, gold leaf, azurite, fox spine, etc.

variable size

衍:楚地小灵媒二  纸本水彩  2021

Transformer: Little Psychic Medium in Chu No.2

Watercolour on paper



2022 折叠的诗行,武汉博物馆,武汉,中国

2021 @武汉2021在武汉,汤湖美术馆,武汉,中国

2021 日常的智慧,银川当代美术馆,银川,中国

2019 Reflection,维利宫艺术空间,罗马,意大利

2018 柒捌玖零,汤湖美术馆,武汉,中国

2017 Reflection,Marbachshöhe Kunst,卡塞尔,德国

2017 物我,湖北美术馆,武汉,中国

2016 DMZ Pilgrimage International Art Festival,江原道,韩国

2016 卡提,湖北美术馆,武汉,中国

2009 证伪,何香凝美术馆,深圳,中国

Selected Group Exhibitions

2022 Folded Poetry,Wuhan Museum,Wuhan, China

2021 @Wuhan 2021 In Wuhan,Tanghu Art Museum,Wuhan,China

2021 Wisdom of Everyday Life, Yinchuan Contemporary Art Museum, Yinchuan, China

2019 Reflection, Palazzo Velli Expo, Rome, Italy

2018 VII VIII IX X, Tanghu Museum of Art, Wuhan, China

2017 Reflection, Marbachshöhe Kunst, Kassel, Germany

2017 Object Subject, Hubei Art Museum, Wuhan, China

2016 DMZ Pilgrimage International Art Festival, Hwacheon, Korea

2016 Kati, Hubei Art Museum, Wuhan, China

2009 Falsification, Hexiangning Museum, Shenzhen, China

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