
阿特网 2023-12-14 16:21:19

1991 毕业于中央美术学院雕塑系现居北京,现为中央美院雕塑系教授1991 Graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine ArtsCurrently lives in Beijing, a professor in the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

长征・肖淑娴  图像记录  2002-2023Long March · Xiao ShuxianImage recording

姜杰:(为纪念长征路上的母亲而做)1.制作具象写实婴儿全身雕塑若干件。2.将它们带到长征路上,在不同的区域进行领养活动。3.婴儿在领养过程中,无论是过去还是现在,母亲、领养者、作者、接受者,在心理上都会有一定的难度。(拍摄记录)4.一旦领养者确定,此作品将归领养者所有。5.领养者在接受此作品的同时,必须同意在每一年的这一天拍摄一张同婴儿作品的照片。6.每一年的这一张照片将会反映出:作品婴儿不会改变,而领养者的样子会因时间的变化而改变。婴儿的成长史靠领养者的模样反映出来。7.记录领养者的联系方法,以保持定期联系。Jiang Jie: (To commemorate my mother on the Long March)1. Create several concrete-abstract realistic baby body sculptures.2. Take them to the Long March and carry out adoption activities in different areas.3. During the adoption process of a baby, whether in the past or present, the mother, adopter, author, or recipient will face certain psychological difficulties. (Photorecording)4. Once the adopter is confirmed, this work will belong to the adopter.5. When accepting this work, the adopter must agree to take a photo of the same baby work on this day of each year.6. This photo every year will reflect that the baby in the artwork will not change, while the appearance of the adopter will change over time. The growth history of a baby is reflected by the appearance of the adopter.7. Record the adopter's contact information to maintain regular contact.

易碎的制品  纱布、蜡、塑料薄膜  1994  不规则尺寸Fragile ProductsGauze, candle, plastic filmIrregular size

他们知道自己的身份  硅胶、纱布  2007They Know Their IdentitySilicone, gauze300x300cm

向前进 向前进 2012 视频、声音、钢架、芭蕾舞鞋Go Forward, Go ForwardVideo、sound、steel、ballet shoes

大于一吨半  树脂、布、铁  2014Over 1.5 TonsResin, cloth, iron1000×400×480cm

2018-2019之八  综合材料  20182018-2019 No.8Mixed media62x13x13cm

2019之一  丙烯  20192019 No.1Acrylic100x140x5cm

这就是戏剧  布、铁、白瓷砖  2019 高度460cmThis Is The DramaCloth, iron, white tilesHeight 460cm

一切于我都成为寓言  木方、石膏、玻璃钢、白瓷砖、渔网、铁链  2020Everything Has Become A Fable For MeWooden blocks, gypsum, fiberglass, white tiles, fishing nets, iron chains266x115x90cm

玩偶的妹妹  纸黏土、木条、铁丝、石膏、镜子  2023Doll's SisterPaper clay, wooden strips, iron wire, gypsum, mirrors80x96x221cm

"俯仰之间" 展览现场图  纸黏土、铁丝、木条、仿真钻石、珍珠、棉被  2023"A Moment So Fleeting" Exhibition ImaagesPaper clay, iron wire, wooden strips, simulated diamonds, pearls, cotton quilts206x160x47cmx5

"俯仰之间" 展览现场图 1"A Moment So Fleeting" Exhibition Imaages 1

"俯仰之间" 展览现场图 2"A Moment So Fleeting" Exhibition Imaages 2

"俯仰之间" 展览现场图 3"A Moment So Fleeting" Exhibition Imaages 3

"俯仰之间" 展览现场图 4"A Moment So Fleeting" Exhibition Imaages 4

"俯仰之间" 展览现场图 5"A Moment So Fleeting" Exhibition Imaages 5
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