
云水便有情 2024-09-01 15:04:55

Many people today experience death anxiety. Why is this? It’s because we perceive life and death as very concrete realities, leading to the formation of inherent views about the phenomena of life and death. Believing that death signifies the end of everything, we cling to life and fear death.


The Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree through the observation of the cycle of birth and death. Life, like a river, follows the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination: ignorance, formations, consciousness, name and form, six sense bases, contact, feeling, craving, grasping, becoming, birth, and old age and death, cycling endlessly. These are the twelve links of samsara, where sentient beings create karma due to ignorance, and by the force of karma, consciousness is propelled to take rebirth, constituting name and form. The six sense bases are our windows to see the world; upon contact with external objects, they give rise to various feelings, leading to craving, grasping, becoming, and thus to the continuation of birth and death.


In this process, we tend to develop inherent views and attachments at each link. Now, we need to learn to observe each link with the wisdom of emptiness. Whether it’s ignorance, formations, consciousness, or even birth and death, all are devoid of inherent existence and are merely false appearances arising from conditions. Ignorance, in essence, does not exist; Formations, fundamentally, do not exist; Consciousness, fundamentally, does not exist. The non-existence mentioned here is in terms of inherent nature. But on the level of dependent origination, from ignorance to old age and death, every link exists.


If we can understand that each link forming the cycle of birth and death is a false appearance arising from conditions, and by wisely observing them, we can experience the nature of emptiness, which is neither arising nor ceasing, at the moment of observation, thereby transcending birth and death within the cycle itself. When we come to experience the nature of emptiness, which is neither arising nor ceasing, would we still fear death?




Excerpted from:

The Meditative Approach to The Heart Sutra

by Master Jiqun

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