
上海外事商务咨询中心 2024-05-30 09:23:16

Shanghai is undoubtedly the "most attractive city in China" in the eyes of foreign talents, thus becoming the preferred destination for many foreign students to choose to develop in China. For foreigners seeking development in China, Shanghai is often their first stop. Shanghai provides foreign talents with a broader international perspective and rich capital resources.


In recent years, thanks to the support of relevant national ministries and commissions, Shanghai has continuously optimized and improved the process of work permits for foreigners coming to China, further facilitating the attraction of outstanding foreign young talents. Next, we will introduce in detail the relevant policies for foreign young talents and outstanding foreign college graduates to work in Shanghai.



Application for Class A "Work Permit for Foreigners Coming to China" by Outstanding Foreign Graduates and Young Foreign Talents


Outstanding fresh graduates who have obtained bachelor's degree or above from the world's top 10 universities;


PhD graduates who majored in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and graduated from the world's top 200 universities in recent five years, aged under 40;


Young talents under 40 years old engaged in postdoctoral research in domestic and foreign universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises, and medical and health institutions;



Included in the recognition criteria for Shanghai foreign "high-end" talents (trial implementation), the A-class "Foreigner's Work Permit in China" can be handled within the city limits, and those who meet the conditions can apply for a work permit valid for up to 5 years.



Foreign excellent college graduates apply for Class B "Foreigner's Work Permit in China"


Graduates who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) majors from the world's top 500 universities and are engaged in work related to their professional fields.



• Eligible foreigners can apply for Class B "Foreigner's Work Permit in China" within the city limits, and those who meet the conditions will be granted a work permit valid for a minimum of 3 years in one lump sum.

• 可在全市范围内办理B类《外国人来华工作许可证》,符合条件的,一次性给予最少3年有效期的工作许可。


Application for Class C "Foreigner's Work Permit in China" by outstanding foreign college graduates


Foreign Student


Foreign students who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above from universities in Shanghai, and intend to work in the "Double Self" and "Lingang" areas, Hongqiao Business District, "Five New Towns (Jiading, Qingpu, Songjiang, Fengxian, Nanhui)" and employers in the "Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Occupation List".


Outstanding foreign students who have obtained a master's degree or above in Chinese universities and intend to work in Shanghai.


Foreign graduates from overseas universities


Excellent foreign graduates from undergraduate and above degrees from high-level universities abroad, who intend to work for employers in the "double self" and "Lingang" areas, Hongqiao Business District, the "Five New Towns (Jiading, Qingpu, Songjiang, Fengxian, Nanhui)", and the "Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Occupation List".


Outstanding foreign graduates who have obtained a master's degree or above from a high-level university abroad and intend to work in Shanghai.


Sino-French and Sino-German interns


French interns should be students currently enrolled in universities (including vocational and technical colleges) on both sides or graduates within one year of graduation; German interns must be students from universities (including vocational and technical colleges) on both sides who have completed at least four semesters of higher education or graduates within one year of graduation.




• The graduation period for fresh graduates of foreign students and foreign graduates from overseas universities has been extended from one year to two years.

• 外国留学生和境外高校外籍毕业生的应届生毕业年限从毕业1年放宽至2年内。


What materials need to be prepared to apply for work permit?


Provided by the employing unit


● Information registry

● 信息注册表

● Certificate of legal registration

● 合法登记证明

● Identification certificate of the person in charge and the operator

● 负责人及经办人身份证明

● Industry license certification documents

● 行业许可证明文件

● Employment labor contract

● 雇佣劳动合同

Offered by foreigners


● Application form for work permit for foreigners in China

● 外国人来华工作许可申请表

● Work qualification certificate (issued by the original unit)

● 工作资历证明(由原单位出具)

● The highest degree (degree) certificate or relevant approval documents, professional qualification certificate

● 最高学位(学历)证书或相关批准文书、职业资格证明

● Certificate of no criminal record (Embassy Level III certification)

● 无犯罪记录证明(使馆三级认证)

●Physical examination certificate (issued or recognized by the Chinese Inspection and Quarantine Authority)

● 体检证明(由中国检验检疫机构出具或认定的)

● Valid personal passport

● 有效个人护照

● Front bareheaded photo

● 正面免冠照片

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