
上海外事商务咨询中心 2023-12-01 09:49:40

All foreigners working in China are required to have a valid Work Permit. If the permit expires and the foreigner continues to work in China, how can he/she apply for a renewal?


First, there are two possible scenarios involved in the renewal of a work permit.


Scenario 1: The applicant changes employer but the position remains the same, in this case he/she needs to apply to for a work permit transfer procedure.


Scenario 2: The applicant has not changed the employer but has extended the period of employment, then he/she needs to apply for an extension of the work permit.


Personnel who can apply for an extension:


1. If the employer continues to employ the applicant in his/her original position (occupation), he/she shall submit an application to the decision-making body 30 days before the expiration of the validity period of the applicant's work permit in China.

1.用人单位在原岗位(职业)继续聘用申请人的,应当在申请人的来华工作许可有效期届满30 日前向决定机构提出申请。

2. Age is generally not over 60 years old; foreign high-end talents (Class A) may not be subject to the age limit.


Materials required for the extension:


1. Extension application form


2. New employment contract


3. Applicants' passport and valid work residence permit


4. Original foreign work permit


Extension Notes:


1. Extension of business for the work permit expiration within 90 days to 30 days before the application to the approval body


2. In case of reappointment to a new position within the same department, including promotion from a professional position to an administrative one, an application letter for the change of position and the corresponding supporting materials shall be submitted at the time of extension

2. 同一单位内改任新职务的,包括从专业岗位提升至行政管理岗位,延期时应提交岗位变更申请函及相应的证明材料。

3. In case the applicant changes to a new position (occupation), the existing work permit shall be canceled and a new application shall be made by the new employer for a new work permit for foreigners

3. 改任新岗位(职业)的,应注销现有工作许可,重新申请办理外国人来华工作许可

4. If the application for extension is made on the basis of foreign high-end talents (Category A), corresponding supporting documents must be submitted. If matters involving salary commitment are involved, a salary commitment letter, personal income tax payment records (the original "Tax Completion Certificate") consistent with the commitments made therein, and a screenshot document of individual withholding details query from the client of the Natural Person Electronic Taxation Bureau (with official seal) shall be submitted when applying for the extension of the work permit.

4. 按外国高端人才(A类)申请延期的,须提交相应证明材料。涉及薪酬承诺事项的,在办理工作许可延期时须提交薪资承诺书、与之承诺一致的个人所得税纳税记录(原《税收完税证明》)及自然人电子税务局客户端个人扣缴明细查询截屏文件(加盖公章)。

Extension of the approval period:


1. Pre-examination period: the system carries out automatic examination in two batches at 12:00 and 24:00 every day (the extension of foreign high-end talents (Category A) is subject to manual examination, with a time limit of one working day)


2. Period of acceptance: 3 working days


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