
上海外事商务咨询中心 2023-11-28 09:54:10

For infants born in China, how can they get a legal Identity in local city? There are two situations where the required documents are different:

在中国出生的婴儿如何在当地城市获得合法身份?有两种情况所需的证件不同:A. If both parents of the infant are foreigners, they can apply for visa or residence permit by submitting a Foreigner Visa or Residence Permit Application Form, together with the following documents within 60 days after the infant was born:

A. 如果婴儿的父母双方都是外国人,他们可以在婴儿出生后60天内递交《外国人签证或居留许可申请表》以及以下文件,申请签证或居留许可:1. Original and copy of both parents’ passports.1. 父母双方的护照原件和复印件。

2. Original and copy of infant’s Birth Certificate in China.2. 婴儿在中国的出生证明原件和复印件。

3. Original and copy of infant’s passport.3. 婴儿护照原件和复印件。

4. If one of the parents works in local city, he/she should submit official application letter from the employer he/she works with and original and copy of one of the parents’ Registration Form of Temporary Residence in local city.4. 父母一方在本市工作的,需提交所在单位出具的正式申请函和父母一方的《本市暂住登记表》原件及复印件。

5. One recent 2-inches half-length, bareheaded and full-face photograph of the infant.5. 一张婴儿的2英寸半身免冠正面近照。

6. Marriage certificate of parents (could be issued by government authorities such as civil affairs, public health or police department, notary public or embassy and consulate of the country of origin. Those certificates issued by foreign authorities must be authenticated by Chinese embassies or consulates abroad, and Chinese translation from qualified institution in China is required if those certificates are not in Chinese).

6. 父母结婚证(可由民政、卫生或公安等政府部门、公证处或原籍国使领馆出具。由外国政府部门出具的证明须经中国驻外使领馆认证,若非中文证明,则须由国内有资质的机构进行中文翻译)。

B. If one of the parents is of Chinese nationality and is citizen of local city, nationality examination and verification must be done first, then the infant could apply for the People’s Republic of China Exit and Entry Permit through exit-entry administration authority. Required documents including:B. 父母一方为中国籍且为本市户籍的,须先进行国籍审核,然后到出入境管理机构申请《中华人民共和国出入境许可证》。所需文件包括:

1. Original and copy of infant’s Birth Certificate in China.1. 婴儿在中国的出生证明原件和复印件。

2. Original and copy of infant’s passport.2. 婴儿护照原件和复印件。

3. Father or mother’s foreign passport, original and copy of Chinese citizen ID card and local Household Registry (Hukou book).3. 父亲或母亲的外国护照、中国公民身份证原件和复印件以及当地户口簿。

4. Marriage certificate of parents (could be issued by government authorities such as civil affairs, public health or police department, notary public or embassy and consulate of the country of origin. Those certificates issued by foreign authorities must be authenticated by Chinese embassies or consulates abroad, and Chinese translation from qualified institution in China is required if those certificates are not in Chinese); if the parents are not yet married or married after the infant was born, parentage testing report between the infant and parents issued by China judicial forensic Institutions is required).4. 父母结婚证(可由民政、卫生或公安等政府部门、公证机构或原籍国使领馆出具。如果父母尚未结婚或在婴儿出生后结婚,则需要中国司法鉴定机构出具的婴儿与父母的亲子鉴定报告)。

5. Application of Nationality Examination and Verification form and three 2-inches (48*33 mm) half-length, bareheaded and full-faced photographs.5. 国籍审查与核实申请表和三张2英寸(48*33 毫米)半身免冠正面照片。


1. Both parents must be present for the application.1. 申请时父母双方必须在场。

2. If exit-entry administrative organization under public security organ, as it considers necessary, requires to interview the applicant or to demand the applicant to submit other supplementary materials, however, the applicant fails to undergo the interview or submit the materials at/during the appointed time/period, the application will be deemed as cancelled, unless force majeure.

2. 公安机关出入境管理机构认为必要,需要与申请人面谈或者要求申请人提交其他补充材料,但申请人未在规定时间/期限内接受面谈或者提交材料的,除不可抗力外,视为取消申请。

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