
上海外事商务咨询中心 2023-12-04 06:36:49

With the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of its international influence, more and more foreigners choose to study and live in China, and many foreigners even stay to marry and have children with Chinese people. In this way, many foreigners have Chinese relatives, so that foreigners can apply for long-term family visit visa Q1 when applying for a Chinese visa, and then apply for a residence permit for reunion after entering China, so that they can live in China legally for a long time. Recently, many customers have asked how to apply for a residence permit for reunion, so what materials do foreigners need to apply for a residence permit for reunion? SFBC's Xiaobian takes you to understand.


1. Materials required for applying for a residence permit for reunion

一、 申请团聚类居留许可所需材料

1. Chinese relatives' identity and household registration certificate (ID card, household registration, etc.);

1. 中国籍亲属的身份及户籍证明(身份证、户口本等);

2. Proof of relationship with Chinese relatives (marriage certificate, birth certificate, notarial certificate, etc.);

2. 与中国籍亲属的关系证明(结婚证、出生证明、关系公证书等);

3. Application report signed by relatives of Chinese nationality;

3. 中国籍亲属签署的申请报告;

4. Applicant's passport or valid travel document and entry visa;

4. 申请人护照或有效旅行证件及入境签证;

5. Other required materials, etc. (such as the registration cancellation certificate provided by the foreign Chinese).

5. 其他所需材料等(如外籍华人提供户籍注销证明)。

Among them, there are many types of relationship certificates with Chinese relatives, and overseas documents need certification to be used, the specific circumstances are as follows.


2. Birth certificate

二、 出生证明

Birth certificates can be used by foreigners in and outside China to prove their family relationship through their Chinese immediate family members (such as parents, children, grandparents, grandparents, etc.) when applying for family visit visas, reunion residence permits, parent-child green cards, travel certificates, and household registration. Overseas birth certificates or relationship certificates need to be certified by the Chinese Embassy in China before they can be used in China.


Common uses of birth certificates are as follows:


1. Registered residence: Even children born abroad can use their birth certificate to register in China as long as they meet the requirements of Chinese nationality Law;

1. 上户口:即使是在境外出生的孩子,只要符合中国《国籍法》规定的具有中国国籍情况,就可以使用出生证明在中国上户口;

2. Enrollment: A birth certificate is required to enroll a child in China;

2. 入学:孩子在中国入学需要出生证明;

3. Visa extension: A birth certificate is required for extension before the visa expires;

3. 签证延期:签证到期前办理延期需要提供出生证明;

4. Apply for a one-time entry and exit permit.

4. 办理一次性出入境通行证。

3. Marriage certificate

三、 结婚证明

The marriage certificate can be used to prove the relationship between the foreign applicant and Chinese relatives when the foreign person has a Chinese spouse in the territory, and when applying for a family visit visa, a residence permit for reunion, and a green card for spouse reunion.


If a consular marriage registration is made at a Chinese embassy or consulate abroad, the marriage certificate can be used directly in China.


If the marriage certificate is handled in accordance with the law abroad, it cannot be used directly in China. The applicant shall first complete the notarization and certification procedures of the marriage certificate in the local area, and then apply to the Chinese diplomatic and consular missions abroad for consular certification before it can be used in China.


If you have more visa questions about foreigners in China, please search SFBC for consultation.


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