
阿特网 2023-12-22 08:48:07

动漫美学,新世纪的审美态度和趋势The New Century of the Neo-Aesthetics in the Animamix Art

抽象美学在上一世纪初兴起之后,已达百年之久,当代艺术的现况,从上一世纪末,便处于多元而分解的状态,是否在进入新世纪会迎接另一种新的美学运动呢?在我多年来搜寻艺术新方向的过程中,注意到全球各地都有一些艺术家似乎在审美的角度上共同选择了漫画、卡通、动画一类作品的表现手法,俨然形成一股新的美学趋势,我将之统称为“动漫美学(Animamix)”。Will modern art, as it enters a new century, usher in a new kind of aesthetics movement?In my search, I noticed that all over the world there are artists who seem to have a shared preference for using comics, cartoons and animation as their tools of expression. Slowly they are forming a new art trend, I called it “Animamix”.

福建火山岛-美人鱼精  2014  数字影像  尺寸可变


Animation and comics are two different words in English, but in contemporary Chinese, they are quite often used together. Hence I have combined “animation” and “comics” to create “Animamix” as the name for this new development in art.

火山岛—火龙果  2014  数字影像  尺寸可变


The 3D animated film "Avatar" released in 2009 achieved astonishing box office revenue around the world, indicating that this aesthetic concept belonging to Animamix has gained recognition from the general public. I believe that the 3D animated film "Avatar" will become a new watershed for human civilization. Before "Avatar", virtual and reality were two separate states, relative or contradictory concepts; However, after Avatar, virtual and reality cannot be cut or separated, and the two are randomly intertwined in daily life.

火山岛—树精  2014  数字影像  尺寸可变


With the development of digital technology, a large amount of virtual reality appears minute by minute on various screens such as televisions, computers, and mobile phones. Through simplified visual forms, more complex forms are formed, and through more diversified circulation channels, a large number of visual symbol systems are formed, gradually forming individual systems that can communicate and identify with each other across cultural backgrounds and regions. The image symbol of Animamix is more like a communication channel for the pursuit of personal expression, the transmission of ideas or the recreation of imagination.

火山岛—叶子精  2014  数字影像  尺寸可变


So, the Animamix art does not refer to the animation or manga itself. The Animamix art is a new visual language and a comprehensive concept of aesthetic attitudes towards the new century. The characteristics of the ultra-new vision of 21st Century Animamix are displayed in four directions: first, The Worship of Youth Aesthetics; second, Animamix art is full of strange and changeable narrative texts; third, Colorful Light Art in animation; and fourth, The cross-border cooperation driven by the animation industry has driven the huge output value of the creative industry.

完美的一对系列之一  2003-2019  数字影像  尺寸可变


The abundant diversified Animamix images in popular culture, whether human figures or animal characters, are all forms that will never glow old. The Animamix Age’s collective memory of ageless images, under subtle influences, has formed the aesthetics of youth in the new age of the 21st century. The last 100 years have not only greatly influenced creation, but also deeply affected the aesthetic concept of the public. The pursuit of an idealized beauty of youth is no longer the problem of the characterization of virtual figures in animations, cartoons or comics. Instead, it has become the psychological goal to realize the beauty of artificial ideals in real life. Today, because of the irresistible trend of anti-aging, more and more people want to keep a young and ageless appearance. Man or woman, old or young, can all find a reason to walk into surgery.

完美的一对系列之二  2003-2019  数字影像  尺寸可变


The aesthetics of Animamix art was full of strange and changeable narrative texts that gave the display of images themselves a strong narrative character. Yet under the digitalized environment of the 21st century, the changes to the narrative environment have become even more interesting. More and more information will be communicated and exchanged via imaged language. The personified characters in cartoons, animations and comics, and the exaggerated aesthetics of transformation evolved as a result of combining with narration, and thus will become the mainstream of the aesthetics of characterization in this century--just as Abstract Art lead the aesthetics of the 20th century. The rich narrative texts in the aesthetics of Animamix art, combined with the great attack of visual image language, are precisely the second important feature of the aesthetics of Animamix art.

完美一对系列之三  2003-2019  数字影像  尺寸可变


In the last century, electric media acted as the media of image broadcasting. Colorful lights are released as sounds flow and abound in space. This is a means of expression that equals the way of painting with pigment on canvas. The common experience of humans in this new century is that children of different races and different nations all grow up in front of the television and the computer. The information they receive, the images they see, are usually visual experiences of colored lights formed by electricity. Such a florid aesthetics of colored lights has a very deep influence on artists’ usage of color in their works. The art of Colorful lights will develop even more in this century. Such marvelous colorful visual effects are one of the distinct features of this Ultra New Vision.

完美一对系列之四  2003-2019 数字影像  尺寸可变


While traditional art creation can be independently finished in a small workshop, the formation of Animamix art often needs professional division of labor and a team spirit, which always involves a great amount of human, material and financial resources. Therefore, cross-industry integration is a unique phenomenon of Animamix culture. So, the value of Animamix industry is not just in the Animamix art itself. It is a summary of the culture force in one age. Future artists will step out of the ivory tower of pure art as creative directors to integrate resources across fields. The creation and marketing of art will be an important part of the global creative industry, and there will no longer be a high or low distinction between this kind of art and popular culture.

完美一对系列之五  2003-2019 数字影像  尺寸可变

动漫美学的艺术,是超越艺术的艺术,是超越了时间性的时间,是空间之外的空间,是超越人生的生命。动漫美学的艺术,是一种记录我们在虚拟实境中所创造第三人生的艺术,同时也是存在于所有电子媒体和数位世界的第四度空间,是青春不败,岁月无痕的不老神话。文/ 陆蓉之 2012年It is a kind of art beyond art, time beyond time, space beyond space, and life beyond life. Animamix Art is a brand of art that is recording our creations of third life in virtual realities and existing in the fourth dimension of all electronic and digital worlds.Text / Victoria Lu, 2012

完美一对系列之六  2003-2019 数字影像  尺寸可变


1951  出生于台湾

1971  赴比利时就读于布鲁塞尔皇家艺术学院

1999  策划台湾当代艺术大展“复数元的视野”

2007  出任北京月亮河当代艺术馆馆长

2011  策划第54届威尼斯双年展平行展

2017  萌奶奶天团参加威尼斯双年展平行展


Victoria Lu

1951 Born in Taiwan

1971 Went to Belgium to study at the Royal Academy of Arts in Brussels

1999 Curated Taiwan Contemporary Art Exhibition "The Vision of Plural Yuan"

2007 Served as director of the Moon River Museum of Contemporary Art in Beijing

2011 Curated the 54th Venice Biennale Parallel Exhibition

2017 Super M MAA participated in the Venice Biennale Parallel Exhibition

Currently a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Creative Industry Doctoral Program at Taipei Shiyan University

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