
阿特网 2023-11-20 09:27:12

1967 出生于长沙

1989 毕业于长沙理工大学设计艺术学院

1993 成立深圳市岚芊时装有限公司


1967 Born in Changsha

1989 Graduated from School of Design and Art, Changsha University of Science and Technology

1993 Established Shenzhen Lanqian Fashion Co., LTD

Currently lives in Shenzhen, professional painter, visiting professor of School of Design and Art, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Vice president and Secretary General of Shenzhen Art Industry Promotion Association

意象中国之一(聚宝盆)  综合材料  2018-2019 170×300cm

远方系列之二  布面油画  2017  60×80cm

远方系列之八  布面油画  2017  60×80cm

远方系列之十二  布面油画  2019  120×180cm

无题系列之一  布面油画  2022  120×180cm

无题系列之三  布面油画  2022  120×180cm

花季雨季系列十八  布面油画  2014  100×120cm

花季雨季系列之一  布面油画  2013  140×160cm

洛南田之一  布面油画  2014  140×160cm

洛南田之五  布面油画  2014  100×120cm

主要展览2023   “三人行”鸥洋、雷双、张岚芊三人展,木星美术馆,深圳,中国2021   “Afwezig landschap”主题展,白立方,荷兰2020   “Woman, an infinite world”主题 9人国际邀请展,SK画廊,纽约,美国2019   “100% FEMALE exhibition up-date”全球100位女艺术家主题展,白立方,荷兰2019    第58届威尼斯国际艺术双年展“personal structures- identities”主题平行展,意大利2019   “Kunst I'm Dialog”主题开馆展,白立方,荷兰2018   “艺术 IM 对话”主题展,德国2017    第十一届佛罗伦萨国际当代艺术双年展,佛罗伦萨,意大利2016   “花非花”张岚芊、徐赓良双个展,米兰国际艺术中心,米兰,意大利2015    第十届佛罗伦萨国际当代艺术双年展,佛罗伦萨,意大利Selected Exhibitions2023 "Threesome" Exhibition By Ou Yang, Lei Shuang and Zhang Lanqian, Jupiter Art Museum, Shenzhen, China2021 "Afwezig Landschap" Exhibition, White Cube, The Netherlands2020 "Woman, An Infinite World" 9-person International Invitational Exhibition, SK Gallery, New York, USA2019 "100% FEMALE Exhibition Up-date" 100 Female Artists From Around The World, White Cube, The Netherlands2019 The 58th Venice International Art Biennale "Personal Structures-identities" Theme Parallel Exhibition, Italy2019 "Kunst I'm Dialog" Opening Exhibition, White Cube, Netherlands2018 "Art IM Dialogue", Germany2017 The 11th Florence International Contemporary Art Biennale, Florence, Italy2016 "Flowers Are Not Flowers" Double Solo Exhibition By Zhang Lanqian and Xu Gengliang, Milan International Art Center, Milan, Italy2015 The 10th Florence International Contemporary Art Biennale, Florence, Italy

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