
阿特网 2023-12-01 09:36:04

江苏镇江人。毕业于中央美术学院,双硕士学位。中央美术学院教授,硕士生、博士生导师。曾在上海美术馆、今日美术馆、那不勒斯当代美术馆、香港医学博物馆、英国爱丁堡Surgeons’ Hall Museums和巴斯东亚艺术博物馆 (MEAA)举办个展,作品被中国美术馆、香港M+博物馆、中央美院美术馆、瑞士Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet、乌利·希克(Uli Sigg)当代艺术收藏基金会、贝利尼博物馆等多家艺术机构收藏。Born in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Zhang got her MFAs in both Chinese Painting and Literature. She is currently based in Beijing and she works as a Professor, PhD and Postgraduate Super-visor in Central Academy of Fine Arts. Her solo exhibitions were held respectively at Shanghai Art Museum, Today Art Museum, PAN, Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli, Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, Surgeons’ Hall Museums and Museum of East Asian Art (MEAA). Besides, her works have been included in the collections of the National Art Museum of China, M+ Museum, CAFA Art Museum, Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet, the Sigg Collection, Museo Belliniano and and private collections.

不痛  纸本水墨  2014No More PainInk on paper97×238cm‍

宫  止痛贴、不规则5块拼接,纸本水墨  2016

止痛帖  布面水墨  2012-2013 108×180cm

秘密通道  纸本水墨  2018Secret PathInk on paper50×50×8cm

竹林  水墨竹片、铜片  2019 尺寸可变

透气  墨,朱砂,纱布  2016 尺寸可变

所有的火山都不过是个青春痘  2018装置:太空棉、纱布、针灸针 80×70×70cm

止痛帖  今日美术馆个展现场

荷尔蒙——菱形  纸本水墨  2019Hormones—RhombusInk on paper124×124cm

她的24 章节Her 24 Solar Terms

24,是个很神奇的数字。一年有24节气,一天有24小时。二十四史,二十四孝,二十四桥明月夜……《她的24章节》,每一个章节都很平凡。随处可见的水果、蔬菜,新鲜的、干瘪的、开裂的、萎缩的……一章一章看过来,有欣喜,有叹息……起伏中,晃晃悠悠就结束了。这是一个给自己“限制”的创作,只能用这些每天都可以吃到的水果蔬菜去表达。因为限制,所以只能在有限的范围内拼命挖掘。我在创作期间,会努力去回想我的母亲、我的外婆。会想起女性朋友之间的聊天,她们的感受。也会去回想自己在每一个阶段的状态。我试着将“她”的一生用24节气去对应,从孕育在母体里小小的立春,经历细雨春风,大暑大寒,跌宕起伏,到归于平静。2022/6/19Her 24 Solar Terms24, is an amazing number.There are 24 solar terms in a year and 24 hours in a day.The Twenty-Four Histories, The Twenty-Four Filial Exemplars, “On a Night When Full Moon Shines on Twenty-Fourth Bridge”...In Her 24 Solar Terms, each chapter seems to be quite ordinary.There are fruits and vegetables that can be seen everywhere, which are either fresh or shriveled, cracked or shrunken...While observing chapter by chapter, there are both joys and sorrows...Among the ups and downs of life, the wobbling state is over.This is a creation that I “set limits” on myself, which can only be expressed by these fruits and vegetables that can be eaten every day. I had to dig harder in a limited range due to restrictions.While I was working on this, I tried to recall my mother and my grandmother. Chats between my female friends and me, as well as their feelings also occurred to me. I also thought about my state at each stage in the past. Thus I tried to correspond to “her” life with 24 Solar Terms, from the Beginning of Spring, which was conceived in the mother body, through the drizzle and spring breeze, Major Heat and Major Cold, the gamut of emotions, then all return to peace.19thJune, 2022

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