
冰露聊健康 2023-02-03 11:08:16







在2019年ADA(美国糖尿病协会)年会上,主讲进餐模式对人体代谢影响的Courtney Peterson、Rona Antoni、Alpana Shukla三位专家,共同申明了“什么时间吃,按什么顺序吃,(对人体代谢与健康而言)固然重要,但是,吃什么,是影响力更大的一个核心因素”,本人创立并倡导的“糖尿病饮食质量控制”,以中医药食同源物质对膳食进行特殊营养强化,其意图是紧紧抓住糖尿病饮食“吃什么”的这一“核心因素”。



世界中医药学会联合会糖尿病专业委员会 理事

北京中医药学会糖尿病专业委员会 委员

北京中医药大学附属中西医结合医院原首席中医糖尿病代谢病专家 杨波


Out of the trap of high cellulose diet

Today is World Diabetes Day (WDD). I would like to dedicate this article to the 15th WDD) and global sugar friends!

Topic 15 in 2021: DM health management for all.

Topic 15 in 2021: DM health management for all.

The key to DM rehabilitation lies in scientific health management and reshaping a healthy lifestyle. Scientific diet treatment has always been the cornerstone of DM rehabilitation treatment and the world professional consensus.

Throughout the history of DM diet in the west, from one extreme of high sugar diet to the other extreme of "hunger therapy" founded by Dr. Allen in the United States, blindly controlling and reducing carbohydrate intake will inevitably lead to the adverse consequences of metabolic deterioration. Although hunger therapy has gone away for more than a hundred years because of the advent of insulin, there are still its ghosts in the real society, such as the so-called enhanced blood glucose control of eating bran pharyngeal vegetables, and the deeper and more attractive staple food with extremely high cellulose and very low carbohydrate, which contains less than 10% carbohydrate (non cellulose), The cellulose content is as high as more than 50%. Can this be regarded as a staple food? Can you still eat it as a staple food?! At the annual meeting of DM Professional Committee of the World Federation of traditional Chinese medicine societies this year, I published the article "Beware of hypoglycemic index trap", which aims to remind professionals and food professional developers.

In fact, DM patients are more short of sugar (carbohydrates) than ordinary people, but there is a problem in the utilization and transformation (metabolism) of sugar. Starting from this mechanism, in the design of DM diet (especially staple food), the content of carbohydrates (except cellulose) must not be less than 50%, and high-quality carbohydrates should be selected, and the value of blood glucose index should be designed at a high value within the range of low blood glucose index, The sugar load is designed to be moderate, and dietary cellulose is appropriately increased (less than 30g per day and soluble cellulose accounts for 30%); We should also supplement high-quality protein and an appropriate amount of plant fat, the heating ratio of the three nutrients should be reasonable, and then we should enrich the supplement of a variety of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. This is the idea of "DM diet treatment and control" put forward and published by me as early as 2000 (Progress of DM traditional Chinese medicine research, page 111, quality control - key transformation of DM diet therapy, Shanghai Science and Education Press).

Again, cellulose is a good thing, but it is a double-edged sword. It is wrong to overuse cellulose or exaggerate the role of cellulose. As Professor Zheng Jianxian pointed out: "(cellulose) will inevitably affect the body's absorption of some mineral elements, and these effects are not all positive" (functional food science, Second Edition, page 23, China Light Industry Press). Excessive use of cellulose will certainly cause obstacles to the absorption of minerals and trace elements, increase the burden of digestion and worsen the body's metabolism, Eventually to the opposite of health. It is also true that resistant starch is overused. As a scientific dietary design, we must adhere to the principles of modern nutrition, not from one extreme to another in order to control blood glucose, and not only focus on temporary blood glucose control at the expense of nutrition, metabolism and health.

It should also be pointed out that DM is not only a problem of glucose metabolism, but also contains comprehensive metabolic disorders such as fat, protein, multiple nutrients and hormones. It is one-sided to only focus on blood glucose and control glucose metabolism in the treatment of DM; T2DM is a metabolic disease in essence. The metabolic organ of human body is the liver, not the pancreas; Liver is the core of regulating and affecting blood glucose, so the target organ of drug and diet management must be liver; Repair and recovery of liver metabolic injury is the fundamental strategy; A comprehensive recovery of glucose, lipid, protein and other metabolic indicators is a panacea.

At the 2019 ADA annual meeting, three experts, Courtney Peterson, Rona Antoni and Alpana Shukla, who mainly talked about the impact of eating mode on human metabolism, jointly affirmed that "eating at what time and in what order (for human metabolism and health) is important, but what to eat is a core factor with greater influence", which I founded and advocated "DM diet quality control" is to strengthen the diet with homologous substances of traditional Chinese medicine and food. Its intention is to firmly grasp the "core factor" of "what to eat" in DM diet.

The research of three ADA experts in 2019 shows that people's eating pattern has a significant impact on metabolism and health. When to eat, how to distribute the amount of three meals, in what order (food, meat and meal order), and what to eat (diet content) , it has a great impact on human metabolism and health. If you want to obtain the best metabolic control such as blood glucose and weight, insulin secretion mode, and even prolong cell life, ADA experts suggest that the best eating time is: there should be a 12 hour interval between three meals a day (dinner should be eaten before 18 o'clock and breakfast after 6 o'clock) , the three meals are divided into 50%, 30% and 20% of breakfast. Breakfast is like a "emperor" and dinner is like a "beggar". Supper is the most taboo, and it is also harmful not to eat breakfast. The eating sequence of vegetables, meat and rice (staple food) is neither mixed eating of vegetables, meat and rice, nor eating first and then vegetables and meat, and the best sequence is to eat the staple food last.

I hope everyone can enjoy DM health management. I wish sugar friends a speedy recovery!

Director of DM Professional Committee of World Federation of traditional Chinese Medicine Societies

Member of DM Professional Committee of Beijing Society of traditional Chinese Medicine

Yang Bo, former chief TCM metabolic disease expert of integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of traditional Chinese Medicine.

November 14, 2021 In Beijing

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