
三妹辣评 2023-03-22 13:21:08




The form of government is not the only reason for a country's economic growth. The economy of the United States is on par with that of China, and its degree of democracy is much better than ours in India.


As for the economic scale of China and India, there are many reasons why India is still far behind.


• Early Reform - Unlike India, China's economic reform began as early as 1978, and first-mover advantage can help increase GDP growth. China has been opening up to foreign investment since 1978, while India has only been doing so since 1991. Until 1978, the two countries were basically the same economically, and then China began to develop rapidly.



• Infrastructure investment - Infrastructure is the pillar of economic development. China realized this early on and made more investments. China's average annual infrastructure expenditure as a percentage of GDP is extremely high, making it one of the highest in the world. Between 1992 and 2011, China spent an average of 8.5% of GDP on the construction of roads, railways, and power and water conservancy facilities.



• More Population - Between 1980 and 2010, China's population was significantly higher than India's. China has made full use of this. A large population means a large labor force and strong domestic demand. Currently, China is the fastest growing consumer market in the world.



• Government and policy stability - China has never faced a serious political crisis, and since 1980, each government has been continuously reforming one after another. The policy is highly stable, and the same management model has continued over the years, but will be adjusted within the framework. On the other hand, India's government was weak between 1977 and 1980, and between 1996 and 1998, with obvious political infighting.


• Human development factors: According to the United Nations Human Development Report, China ranks higher in the human development index than India. Between 1990 and 2018, China's human development index increased by 51.1% from 0.501 to 0.758. China's index is 1.29 times that of India. The proportion of China's public health expenditure to GDP is more than three times that of GDP. China's life expectancy at birth has risen from 67 years in 1980 to 76.4 years in 2018. The literacy rate increased from 65% in 1980 to 96% in 2016. In India, the literacy rate increased from 44% to 72% (1980-2014). In 1985, the per capita GDP of China and India was approximately 293 US dollars. According to data from the World Bank in 2022, China's per capita GDP has soared to $12000, while India's per capita GDP has climbed to $2300.


Poverty level/贫困程度




India since 1990



The vast majority of people are non religious, and the social structure has a significant impact on economic growth. China has the largest non religious population in the world, and both the Chinese government and the Communist Party are atheists. China adheres to the policy of freedom of religious belief, with the large participation of women, open eating habits, and lack of religious polarization, which has contributed to China becoming a growth and development oriented society.



Today, as China turns 70, it is far ahead of India in terms of economy, military power, technological progress, and even pollution control, while India is still regarded as just an emerging power.


India is three to two years older than China, although both are ancient civilizations. Despite the different forms of government, India and China have many similarities in governance and economic growth.


In 1949, New China was founded, and in the same year, India adopted the Constitution. Both countries began rebuilding in 1950 - China under the leadership of the first generation of revolutionaries such as Mao Zedong, and India under the leadership of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.


At that time, despite nearly 200 years of colonial exploitation, India was still the largest economy in Asia. Pandit Nehru is regarded by world leaders as a dreamer with strong democratic credentials.

当时,尽管经历了近200年的殖民剥削,印度仍是亚洲最大的经济体。潘迪特·尼赫鲁(Pandit Nehru)被世界领导人视为具有强大民主资历的梦想家。

Today, China is over 70 years old - October 1st is China's National Day - and China is far ahead of India in terms of economy, military power, technological progress, and even pollution control. China has made comprehensive exponential progress and become a huge force in the world, while India is still considered as an emerging power.


It is no exaggeration to say that India needs to learn some trade skills from China. Until 1990, China's per capita GDP was "poorer" than India's. Now, in 2019, China's per capita GDP is 4.6 times that of India.


Let the economy work first


China has been struggling with an expanding population and uncontrollable poverty. In the 1980s, China began opening up its economy and inviting foreign investment, especially in coastal areas, making imports and exports smoother.


They liberated agriculture from state control, which was a major reform of the country. It implements the one-child policy to defuse the population bomb and thereby exploit the demographic dividend.



In contrast, India, led by Pandit Nehru, has adopted a socialist economic model that discourages wealth creation and large private enterprises. The traditional rule of law in India stipulated an open market, and the British colonial rulers bound it to the open market in order to maximize their industrial progress.

相比之下,印度在潘迪特·尼赫鲁(Pandit Nehru)的领导下,采用了不鼓励创造财富和大型私营企业的社会主义经济模式。印度的传统法治规定了开放市场,英国殖民统治者将其束缚在开放市场中,以最大限度地提高自己的工业进步。

In the 1960s and 1970s, India's economic growth rate was about 3.5%, while its population growth rate exceeded 2.5%. The population growth rate is strange because India was one of the first countries to introduce population control policies after World War II.


However, due to the low prevalence of medical facilities in remote areas and a lack of awareness, family planning centres in India have actually played a role in expanding family size.


Focus on infrastructure


More importantly, China has begun to invest heavily in infrastructure. This is a key policy decision because it provides employment opportunities for millions of people, improving their economic status and purchasing power, which is a key factor in industrial progress. China continues to invest heavily in infrastructure. This is evident in its "the Belt and Road" initiative.


According to an estimate, India's average infrastructure investment in the first 50 years after independence accounted for 3% of GDP, while India needed more than 6.5% of investment. On the other hand, nearly 9% of China's GDP is invested in infrastructure, which could have been invested by 6.5%.


In the 2019 Economic Survey, India called for investing 7-8% of GDP in infrastructure to achieve strong growth and make India a $5 trillion economy by 2025. The survey found that the investment was 27% lower than the requirement.


Industrial development methods by industry


In the 1970s, both India and China had economic and demographic issues to address. China has begun building labor intensive industries to attract cheap labor available. Industries such as textiles, light industry, and electronics have received significant investments.


China has also established special economic zones to promote the development of manufacturing and export oriented industries. These regions have relaxed general business rules and marked areas with better infrastructure and access to cheap labor for investors.


The Indian Special Economic Zone established decades later lacks such impetus and better incentives to attract foreign investors in terms of quantity and scale, thereby making China competitive.


India's labor force is almost equally cheap, but India has opted for heavy industry. The second five-year plan is fully committed to industrial development and focuses on large industries in practice.


India encourages capital intensive industries that cost millions of job seekers potential employment. In turn, this has not promoted industrial growth or increased public investment income in infrastructure, health, and other important sectors.


Military transformation


In 1962, India and China fought a war. China officially controls Aksaichin, which covers over 37000 square kilometers of Ladak. Many people believe that India's decision not to use the air force is the cause of its military collapse.


Although China remains India's competitor even on the border, it has adjusted its military to overcome weaknesses that India did not exploit in 1962. In the recent series of military reforms, China has modernized its troops along the lines of theater headquarters. It is considered to be a more effective military to deal with any security threat.


On the other hand, the Indian army is still organized according to the model of World War II. The modernization of weapons and equipment is long overdue, and China has been continuously improving its weapons and equipment. China has learned that the nature of war is changing - from conventional to technological warfare, with the focus on overwhelming the enemy without losing too many soldiers. India can learn from China's experience to address threats from the same adversary.


Energy Awareness


Energy is the key to a country's survival and progress, and traditional energy sources - coal and oil - are limited. Developed countries are increasingly paying attention to shifting to alternative energy sources. China has also made a shift, significantly reducing its dependence on coal and promoting green energy such as solar energy. China has become the second largest solar energy producer.


India may follow China's example and reduce its dependence on coal and oil, most of which are imported. Oil imports have been a major volatility factor determining the health of India's economy.


China is actively promoting the use of new energy vehicles, and India is also closely following. According to a report from the World Economic Forum, China has the largest number of public charging points for electric vehicles and electric vehicles. Given the pollution situation in Indian cities, the similar thrust of electric vehicles will work wonders for the country's air.


Water source issues


India has about four times the freshwater resources of China, and China has three times the area of India. But today, India faces greater water problems than China. Earlier this year, the water shortage in Chennai made global headlines. Many regions of Bihar are facing drinking water shortages for the first time this year. Nevertheless, Bihar is the state most affected by floods in the country.


To overcome water scarcity, China has successfully taught agricultural communities to reduce water use without affecting agricultural productivity. India is the largest groundwater mining country, and Indians use more water than the next two users - China and the United States combined.


But India's water reserves have reached a stage where measures need to be taken in China. China not only encourages reducing water use, but also imposes fines on those who overuse groundwater, including industries and enterprises. Industrial or commercial units that pollute rivers and ponds can also be severely punished.


Farmers rely heavily on groundwater irrigation (accounting for over 60% of demand). One of the arguments raised in their defense is that India's land holdings are extremely fragmented, leading to excessive use of irrigation water. China's average land tenure is small, but farmers use much less water to improve agricultural productivity. India may also launch a fragmented advocacy campaign to reduce water waste in farmland.


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