
三妹辣评 2023-03-22 17:29:19




They copy a lot of things.


Below we have an American made M-16. First designed and tested in 1959 and entered service in 1964 for the US Army. It chambers 5.56 rounds and has a muzzle velocity of about 960 m/s. It’s effective fire rate is 950 rounds per minute.


This is a CQ assault rifle from China Northern Industries Corporation. "Designed" for the first time in 1978, the M16A1 automatic rifle from the United States was copied and improved by Changqing Factory. It was produced and finalized in 1983, mainly for export. ". It fires 5.56 bullets with an initial speed of approximately 970 meters per second. Its effective rate of fire is 925 rounds per minute.


Weird. Seems very similar. Eh I’m sure it’s just one time right?? Here we have the American made General Electric F-101 engines. It has a base thrust of 27,500 lbf with maximum being 30,800. It was first tested in the late 60’s with it being deployed in the early 70’s.


Then we have the Chinese made Shenyang WS-10B engine. It was first tested in the 80’s and deployed in the early 90’s. It’s base thrust is 27,000 lbf and maximum thrust is about 31,000 lbf. If you aren’t able to tell the Similarities. The WS-10 was a reverse engineered version of the American F-101 engine. Problem is that they reused over 80% of the parts from the F-101.


Starting to get weirder but coincidences do happen. Here we have the American made MQ-9 Reaper drone, which was an upgraded version of the MQ-1 Predator drone. The MQ-9 first flew in 2001 and entered service in 2007 to replace its brother the MQ-1 which first flew in 1994.


Then we have the Chinese made Pterodactyl 1 or Wing Loong 2. It’s maiden flight was in 2009 and went into service with the PLAAF in 2011.


Maybe another coincidence? Once again I introduce the American made C-17 Globemaster III. It was first flown in 1991 and made its debut in 1995 for the USAF.


Here I have the Chinese made Y-20. It was first flown in 2013 and was deployed to the PLAAF in 2016.


I don’t even think they are trying to hide it now! Below is the brand new American F-35 Lightning II. It first flew in 2006 and was deployed in 2015 to the US Marine Corps. If you count it’s original design the X-35, it first flew in 2000 and not 2006. The F-35 was just the final design.


Here is the Chinese made J-31. Its first flight was in late 2012 and has yet to be deployed as it’s still in its testing phases, but is set to be fully deployed by 2022.


Alright last one last one. But we will switch it up! Below is the Israeli made Lavi. It was designed and flown in 1986 however, Israel deemed the project too expensive and canceled the program in 1987. The project has been dead ever since…or has it?


Here is the Chinese made J-10. It was first flown in 1998 and deployed with the PLAAF in 2006.


It’s laughable that China claims it has the best technology when they continuously piggy back and steal ideas from other nations. If China truly has the best technology why do they seem to copy other people’s ideas?


If anyone else would like more please comment! I have 48 more Chinese knockoffs.


EDIT:Alright people are sounding off in the comments about how “copying is a crucial part of development” and everyone copies each other. And provides the basis that everyone copies ICBM’s and gunpowder and such. That’s not what I’m getting at. Look at LITERALLY any plane from the UK, France, Germany, Russia, India, South Korea. And none of them will look anything like the US. Unless they are licensed variants. Same thing with guns, tanks, ships, and everything. The Chinese are the only one who’s planes and engines and guns whose looks similar to American or even other nations. the Russian PAK-FA looks nothing like the F-22 or F-35. The French Leclerc looks nothing like the American M1A2 Abrams.


The Israeli Galil looks nothing like the American M-16. Sure they all function the same and use the basic principles but they all have different functionalities, looks, and design requirements. The French Leclerc is diesel powered and weighs less so it has more range but it’s less powerful in terms of firepower and durability compared to the Abrams.



This is because it lacks military funds.


In fact, the Chinese army in the past for several decades, had to save military costs. The Chinese government has invested almost all of its fiscal revenue into economic and development, and more than two million troops have received billions of dollars in military spending every year for decades.


So little military spending can only meet the daily training needs of the army, if the PLA would like to purchase new equipment, military spending will become very tense. This situation lasted for decades, until the last ten years have improved.


Although China's current military costs are the second largest in the world. But the PLA can not be compared to the United States for decades of high military spending .


Western countries seems better because of the smaller size of the army and the fact that it has maintained a high level of military investment for decades.


If China wants to reach the level of equipment in Western countries, then this means that China should reach at least 2.5% of GDP military spending, and for decades.


However, I think the Chinese military equipment has been sufficient to cope with large-scale war, after all, PLA do not need to launch war on another continent.


华裔网友Callan Chua的回答

I really don’t think the Chinese military ‘is viewed so poorly’. Maybe there are those in the PRC that think so, but by and large, other states are aware of how strong the PLA can get, and has already become.


The PLA is no longer just primarily about the PLAGF. The procurement drives by the PLAN, AF, RF, and SSF are all considerable.


Consider this:


The PLAN is the only navy in East Asia with an aircraft carrier. This means that it can project force all around the region unlike any other power. TheLiaoningjust participated in its first large scale naval exercise, the second aircraft carrier has already been completed, and a third one might be in the works.


The PLAN’s Type 055 Destroyers are so huge that they have beened as cruisers by the United States Navy. They pack a hell lot of firepower.


The PLAAF is the only other military in the world with a fifth-generation fighter. I’m not saying the J-20 is anything like a Raptor, but it sure as hell is dangerous. Put enough of those on three aircraft carriers…phew!~


The PLAN, AF, RF, and SSF are very likely to be fighting in localised conflicts; in other words, they will be going into a fight with significant geographical advantages. They will have the protection of their considerable missile arsenal which will be based on the mainland, shorter supply lines as compared to militaries who have to traverse the Pacific or the South China Sea, and potentially even the support of bases in the Spratleys and Paracels. As much as the USN doesn’t like the term A2AD, it’s a still a huge concern.


The PLASSF is highly capable of waging electronic, electromagnetic, and cyber warfare, as well as propagating disinformation campaigns. The PRC’s most likely adversaries, on the other hand, mostly possess highly informatised societies, economies, and militaries, all of which are particularly vulnerable to what the PLASSF was created to do.


I could go on, but you get it.


Whoever it is posing this question, go do your reading and be brutally honest.



People, listen.The word military comes from the Latin word:militaris meaning soldier.


I’ve never been in any military organisation of any countries in the world. However, I can say with confidence that a soldiers duty is to protect and serve the very people that lives in his or her country.


My point is, yes, people underestimate the Chinese military not because of how many tanks or attack helicopters they have, but they underestimate their call of duty: “Service for the People”.


This doesn't mean invading other countries to keep the people ‘free’ at home!


This means being their for the times that count, for when your ordinary Joe is crying because his building burnt down, or there was an earthquake. For the times when old ladies are trapped under rubble becuase of disasters. For the times when you hear “thank you” because you didn't risk your life to take a bullet, instead you did what counts. You helped your fellow man.


Stop, guys, by no means am I a hippie, nor a warmonger, I'm just someone trying to shed light on what the PLA are actually doing.


They do not just call your local donut-eatin’ officer to handle this. This is true service.


In 2015, I went to an earthquake memorial in Sichaun, and at first I was skeptical. I was solemn but all I saw were numbers. Until a friend told me that not only were entire towns and villages rebuilt, PLA soldiers stayed behind, on their own accord, to farm with the farmers. Though buildings are rebuilt, sons and daughter. Fathers and mothers cannot be replaced. They understood that, because they were not some “folks born with silver spoon In hand”, they stayed and helped. They did what they did. Ate what they ate.


This is the true call of duty.


Stop placing military might on such a high pedestal, because there was a time, when people remember what militaries are for. China has not forgotten, and I believe it will continue to dedicate themselves for their people.


Wars are not fought just with guns, and true militaries know their purpose.


“为人民服务““Service for the People”Don’t underestimate that.


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