
三妹辣评 2023-03-22 15:42:56




China still lags behind the West in basic scientific research. However, China does lead in five technological fields:


1. China owns almost all core patents for UHV transmission.


China has more natural resources in the west, but its economic core is located along the east coast. To balance this difference, China has built three main transmission lines from west to east, with each line exceeding 1000 kilometers.



In order to reduce the loss during transmission, the best method is to increase the voltage. From the perspective of ordinary people, this may not be a big problem. However, when we talk about power from 500 kV to 1000 kV, the technical difficulty becomes extremely difficult.


2. Laser technology


China is in a leading position in this field. It took the United States seven years to break the export ban on KBBF (a type of crystal). When the United States produced its own KBBF, China already had a better KBBF.


KBBF technology has been applied to the laser weapons of China's Type 99 main battle tank. Within 5 kilometers, it has a 100% chance of blinding its opponent. It is not only their observation equipment that causes blindness, but also the human eye.


3. Limb replantation


In China, there is a case where a person's hand is cut into more than 20 pieces. Chinese doctors not only reassembled the hand from the debris, but even preserved most of its functions.


4、 12306 Ticketing website

4、 12306购票网站

This is the name of the China Railway Booking website, which reached a peak of 150 billion visits per day in 2018.


Considering that the website will be maintained from 11pm to 6am every day, a total of 6 hours, and its effective working time is 18 hours. Therefore, on average, it must be able to handle 2.3 million accesses per second. If you consider that most people will also focus on purchasing tickets within a specific time period, the pressure on access will be even greater.


All American IT giants have rejected the request of Chinese railway companies to establish ticketing systems.


This is a railway map of China. The main difficulty in building a ticketing system for this purpose is not just the daily or per second access time, which can be solved by deploying more servers. The really tricky issue is that for every ticket sold, all relevant routes must interact with it.


In today's online shopping system, there is a term called SKU. What is a SKU? For example, if a person purchases a product from Amazon, the entire system will decrease by 1 SKU. However, in online ticketing systems, this concept will become extremely complex. Take the G71 high-speed railway from Beijing to Shenzhen as an example: This high-speed railway has 17 stops and 3 different seat categories. After arranging and combining, there are 408 possibilities for a ticket, namely 408 SKUs.

在如今的线上购物系统中,有一个术语称为SKU。什么是SKU呢?打个比方,如果一个人从亚马逊购买了一件商品,则整个系统就会减少1 SKU。然而,在线上票务系统中,这个概念将会变得异常复杂。以从北京到深圳的G71号高铁为例:该列高铁有17个停靠站和3种不同的座位类别,排列组合后一张车票共有408种可能,即408 SKU。

If a person buys a pass ticket (from Beijing to Shenzhen), 136 SKUs will be subtracted from the system. However, if tickets are sold between any intermediate stations, the calculation will become extremely complex. And the calculation must be completed in a very short time, as there are more than 2 million visits per day, and anyone may request to purchase tickets along this route.

如果一个人买了一张通票(从北京到深圳),则系统中将会减去136 SKU。但是,如果在任何中间车站之间售票,则计算将变得异常复杂。并且该计算必须在极短的时间内完成,因为每天有超过200万人次的访问,而任何人都可能要求沿着这条路线购买车票。

In addition, the sale of any ticket must be synchronized to all core hubs and all terminals (including ticketing windows, vending machines, agents, websites, and mobile apps) to ensure that duplicate bookings are not made.


In fact, the real situation is much more complex than described above. 12306 now sells 3 billion tickets annually, making it the largest online ticketing system in the world. There are many Chinese companies behind it, and Alibaba is one of them.


5. Bridge construction.



6. Last but not least, it comes from the world's largest die forging hydraulic press.


Under pressure from a technical blockade: China hopes that the 10 story tall machine will boost its aviation industry. Just search Google for an 80000 ton hydraulic press and it will know how powerful it is. It has indeed promoted the development of China's aviation industry. In addition, the Second Middle School is exporting components to Airbus, and I personally handled them during logistics.


The main reason why China still lags behind is the previous generation, or as I said, basic scientific research.


In the new generation, only the United States and China can undertake all the projects that burn money alone. This is why, with the power of an EU, their Galileo system is still quite fragmented.



The following article from Reuters is a bit disturbing, but in any case, we are behind... China is ahead of the United States in terms of powerful ultra fast missiles.


According to senior U.S. officials, China is ahead of the United States in the race to deploy hypersonic missiles that will defeat existing air defense systems.


The combination of speed, mobility, and altitude of these missiles makes them difficult to track and intercept. Their flight speed is more than five times the speed of sound, at about 6200 kilometers (3853 miles) per hour. According to US and other Western weapons researchers, some weapons will fly at speeds of up to 25000 kilometers per hour. This is about 25 times the size of a modern airliner.


General Harry Harris, former commander of the US Pacific Command, told the House of Representatives Military Committee last February that hypersonic weapons are one of a series of advanced technologies, and China is beginning to surpass the US military and challenge its dominance in the Asia Pacific region.


Last April, Michael Griffin, the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, told the Senate Military Committee that China had deployed or was about to deploy hypersonic systems equipped with conventional warheads. He said these missiles can travel thousands of kilometers from the Chinese coast, threatening U.S. forward bases or aircraft carrier battle groups.


"We don't have a defense system," Griffin said


Russia may have deployed hypersonic weapons. At a military parade last May, the Russian military demonstrated what it had earlier called hypersonic missiles. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the missile invincible.


In 2014, the Chinese military said it had conducted a hypersonic test flight. According to US military officials, by the beginning of 2016, it had conducted six successful tests.


In early November, China demonstrated a new ballistic anti ship missile, the CM-401, at a biennial air show in the southern city of Zhuhai. State media reports say the new missile is a hypersonic weapon. An information group next to the new missile model stated that the CM-401 is a "hypersonic" ballistic missile with a trajectory that can reach near space. The Panel of Experts stated that it has a range of up to 290 kilometers.


According to U.S. and other Western weapons analysts and military officials, China, Russia, and the United States have focused their research and development on two types of such weapons: hypersonic gliders and cruise missiles that fly at hypersonic speeds. Both types can carry conventional or nuclear payloads.


The hypersonic glider is lifted on a rocket to an altitude of 40 to 100 kilometers above the Earth, then separated and glided towards the target along the upper atmosphere. The altitude and speed at which it is released allows it to glide to the target without power. The control surface of a glider means that it can turn in unpredictable directions and maneuver sharply as it approaches an impact.


These researchers say that the trajectory of these gliders is much flatter and much lower than the high arch trajectory of ballistic missiles. This makes them more difficult to detect by radar early, resulting in less reaction time for missile defense systems.


At the same time, hypersonic cruise missiles have internal engines. But unlike conventional cruise missiles, they fly faster and higher.


Senior Pentagon officials say that after years of development of stop start hypersonic flight technology, the United States is now attempting to accelerate testing and deployment to rival China and Russia.


Last year, the United States Air Force awarded Lockheed Martin two contracts to develop hypersonic missiles. In addition, the US Navy stated that it successfully conducted a long-range hypersonic missile test on October 30, 2017. Last month, the Pentagon awarded missile manufacturer Raytheon a $63.3 million hypersonic weapons development contract, the company said in a statement.


"To be frank, we were leaders in this field 10 and 15 years ago, but we just let it go," Griffin told the Senate Military Committee in April last year. "We need to start over."



There is nothing particularly advanced in China, but:


China is by far the only country in the world that has commercialized quantum communication technology.


2.China has the fastest supercomputer in the world.


3.China has the best high-speed train technology in the world, and currently no other country, even Japan, can beat it.


4.China is the only country that has explored the back of the moon.


5.Once completed in 2020, China's artificial sun will become the hottest sun, surpassing Germany.


6.China's space telescope will be completed in 2022, becoming the most powerful space telescope.


7.China has the best afforestation technology in the world.


8.China is the only country in the world with a mature IT and artificial intelligence industry except the United States.


9.China's military technology is second only to that of the United States.


China's strength does not lie in its possession of technology that other countries do not have, but in its leading position in almost all technological fields.



China was and will be an innovation leader. Since the 1980s, China has clearly proposed the national goal of catching up with the West. For decades, people have adopted various ways to approach and ultimately surpass the West. In the late 1970s and 1980s, the main activity was related to the procurement of the latest technologies that they might be subject to US trade restrictions. It is speculated that reverse engineering and replication were rampant at the time.


By the 1990s, China began to harvest the knowledge and talents of returned students from American and European universities. Many of these students have experience working in large innovation companies.


Some top researchers from leading companies also serve as consultants in China or otherwise obtain research resources to pursue their passion. One example is Dr. Steve Chen, the chief supercomputer designer of Cray X-MP, who founded a company in China in 1999.

一些来自领先公司的顶尖研究人员也在中国担任顾问,或以其他方式获得研究资源,以追求他们的激情。克雷X-MP的首席超级计算机设计师Steve Chen博士就是一个例子,他于1999年在中国成立了一家公司。

By the turn of the century, China had joined the WTO. With the opening of huge new markets, Western companies are eager to make large-scale investments. Typically, they have an obligation to transfer some technology to local partners. It is reported that in the semiconductor manufacturing industry, a large number of technology transfers have been made by directly employing engineers and managers from Taiwan, China, China.


Another notable example is IBM's sale of its personal computers and later its x86 server division to Lenovo. These sales have enabled Lenovo to rapidly increase its IT revenue and expand its research capabilities. More and more Western companies believe that investing in research and development in China is in their interest. The reason is partly to meet the needs of the local market, and partly to recruit some highly capable Chinese talents.


In the past few years, the Chinese government has increased investment in research and development funds, and has invested a large amount of funds to create a vibrant entrepreneurial culture through designated innovation centers. For example, Shenzhen and Beijing. Successful technology companies include Huawei, Dajiang, Xiaomi, Alibaba, Tencent, etc,.. The results are very surprising, with many Chinese companies already listed on Wall Street. Alibaba is the largest initial public offering in history.


The most important technological leapfrogging is in the fields of the Internet and supercomputing. Apps such as WeChat provide various services that WhatsApp and Amazon can't beat.


The top two supercomputers are both made in China. June 2017 | The total number of supercomputers installed in the top 500 supercomputer websites in China is approximately the same as in the United States.


Another controversial area is quantum satellites and cryptography. China has launched its first quantum satellite and developed an unbreakable quantum cipher. Another key technology is artificial intelligence, which is considered second only to the United States.


In terms of consumer products, Dajiang ranks first in the world in the field of leisure drone production. Three of the world's top five smartphone manufacturers are Chinese based companies - Huawei, Oppo, and Vivo.


In more direct areas such as consumer software, China has recently been having a more significant impact - for a long time, Chinese technology companies have been labeled as "Chinese version of Uber" or "Chinese version of Facebook", but American technology giants are now lagging behind, while China's "Croons" continue to make progress in their technological capabilities.


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