
三妹辣评 2023-03-16 21:21:48



印尼网友IKhan Radjab的回答

When I was young, I once asked my father the same question. He answered my question based on his anecdotal experience, which may not be accurate, but can provide some insights. His answer is:


When I was a little boy, Indonesian Chinese were as poor as us. Later they started small businesses. But what makes them expand their business faster? Because they have invested a lot of money in the business. They use blood, sweat and tears to develop their family business so that their families can live a comfortable life one day. If they earn 1000 rupees, they will only use 100 rupees for personal hobbies. Then, they will use the remaining money to expand their business. They are very happy to delay enjoying and buying high-end shirts and jewelry. In short, they are willing to give up personal luxury packaging to expand their business.


As I grow older, I find that there are rich Chinese Indonesians as well as poor Chinese Indonesians. It all depends on personal efforts and/or luck, because we can't really put Chinese Indonesians or indigenous Indonesians in a big stereotype.


Personally, I think the dichotomy of "indigenous and Indonesian Chinese" is an outdated concept. Because although their ancestors came from China, they are Indonesian. They were born in Indonesia, can speak Indonesian, pay taxes in Indonesia, hold Indonesian passports, and are familiar with Indonesian pop culture. Of course, they may have squint eyes and fairer skin than Indonesian aborigines, but that doesn't mean they have less Indonesian ancestry than Indonesian aborigines.



I am a Eurasian (Swiss Indonesian), but because of my father's position in the community, I grew up in a western style and graduated from high school in the Netherlands.


From 1987 to 2003, I served as the information and communication technology consultant of the national government in Jakarta. During my stay, I met many Indonesian nationals and Chinese Indonesians from all walks of life.


One day, I had a discussion with a very good friend, a successful Indonesian Chinese descendant. I asked him exactly the same question. I have noticed that ordinary Indonesian mixed-race children are often not successful, and there are great problems in making ends meet. They have no plans for money. When they run out of money, they are helpless. They usually like to spend money on small things.


I asked my friend whether the Chinese are smarter than the Indonesians. But I was surprised and inspired by his answer.


China is a large country with a large population. One hundred years ago, it was very difficult to make a living in China; Lack of resources, facilities and funds. Therefore, people look for other countries to make a living.


When they came to Indonesia, they found themselves in other people's countries, where people were struggling to make a living. The difference is that these new Chinese families have nothing to rely on, no relatives, because they have left everything behind. Therefore, they realized that in order to compete with local people, they must work hard and earn little money.


They save the money they earn for a rainy day. Therefore, for every 1000 rupees, they will take out 300 rupees for food and life, 250 rupees for children's education, 250 rupees for medicine, and the rest for savings. They retained this formula. When they have saved enough money, they still adhere to the same formula. They still won't buy a big car, luxury clothes, etc. If they can invest, they will invest in houses and provide education for children. They will not spend their money on luxury goods. They will consider every expenditure and consider it as an investment.


Their food is still the same, without luxuries. Their clothes are decent enough, and they won't spend more on them! When they can invest in business, they will only invest in projects with strong reliability and profitability. This is why they finally have large enterprises. In the end, they only make money because of money. They are also very clever in taking advantage of the greed of others. They "purchase" the indispensable things of the local people, let them rely on them, and let them become their facade. These Indonesian Chinese do not like to be conspicuous, and they are fully aware that this may cause jealousy.


Then I began to look around and found a lot of evidence about this theory around me. I have an Internet development office in Jakarta. I rented an office in a three-storey building. There is a dirty shop on the first floor, where the owner has his own shop. He sells gold and silver ornaments. He is an Indonesian Chinese. I often chat with him. He is a simple man who wears basic clothes and has nothing fancy. He drove a pickup truck to his shop. One day, I asked him about his children. He said they were studying in Canada. He complained that the cost was too high, but later I heard that they were excellent students and lived in a good housing area there. He said, "This is an investment in their future.".


What surprised me most was that one day, while talking with him, he suddenly asked me if I was interested in going to New Zealand. When I answered that I was busy with my business, he was very disappointed. Then I asked him why. He said: "My English is not very good (we always speak Indonesian). I have some business in New Zealand, and I need someone I can trust to help."


I asked him what kind of business. Then he told me: I have a building there, a shopping center in the city, with an investment of 30 million dollars. I want to expand it and build a large supermarket in it, but I haven't found a person I really trust


印尼网友Calvin Kuntadi的回答

1. Almost all of them are the sons of Chinese businessmen who immigrated from China, that is, the second generation of Indonesian Chinese. Although some of them immigrated from China for the first time, although they did inherit enterprises from their families, their wealth increased at an alarming rate during Suharto's reign.


What does all this mean?


First of all, Indonesian Chinese have been excluded from the political and military fields of Indonesia. As foreign immigrants, they are never part of the local elite that the Dutch have to choose. This is true before and after independence.


Suharto controls Indonesia with two different armies: the armed forces and the civil servants. These two industries are basically isolated from the Chinese people.


You may have rare Indonesian Chinese politicians or generals, but in general, most of them have entered private enterprises. With the closure of other growth routes, many people specialize in the private sector as businessmen. This has become the strength of Indonesian Chinese.


Now, on the whole, the average economic situation of Chinese Indonesians is better than that of Indonesians, mainly for two reasons:


1. Enthusiasm in education


2. Make sure you pass on the good life to your descendants


In general, this is true for most people living in Chinese culture.


Therefore, with the intergenerational transfer of wealth and the focus on education as an exciting tool, in general, most overseas Chinese are often the perfect portrayal of "model minority" in terms of education, wealth and low crime rate. This is true in the United States, Britain and Australia.


However, in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, few Chinese people can reach an amazing level of wealth like a few Indonesian Chinese in Indonesia. Why?


A key issue is that Indonesian Chinese have been regarded as "foreigners" in Indonesia. In the early days of the founding of the Republic of Indonesia, they were excluded from political and military participation, and Suharto regarded them as useful allies.


He granted some second-generation Indonesian Chinese businessmen exclusive "licenses" (such as monopolies) in certain industries, such as trade or commodities. Under the monopoly, they accumulated huge wealth, but had no political power.


This is possible, because as permanent outsiders, they will never be the opponents of Indonesian political struggle, but become useful (and compliant) partners in a customer sponsorship system. With their huge wealth, any Indonesian politician or general can use them to obtain "funds" or "monetary resources", because the license to obtain so much funds for Indonesian Chinese tycoons depends entirely on the nod of politicians.


Of course, most of these monopoly enterprises have disappeared since 1998, but Indonesian Chinese enterprise groups have been deeply rooted in the economy, and the momentum of their economic strength is irresistible.


Therefore, the key difference is that Indonesia's economy ultimately depends on the asylum relationship system, in which a small number of Chinese Indonesians have successfully taken advantage of this, while western economies are more or less free market economies.


I have previously interacted with Chinese scarves stores from different countries. One of the key factors is that all scarves stores rely more or less on the sheltering relationship network in terms of transactions and contracts. Some people call it "bamboo net", others call it "relationship net", and some people call it "corruption".


No matter what the proper term is, it means that they only deal, but do not make actual business strategies.



This is my observation. I grew up surrounded by Indonesian Chinese. In the past, local Indonesians have their own privileges (in politics, bureaucracy, government office, university quota, etc.)


Because of the common experience of discrimination, people tend to unite and build trust around them. This ethnocentrism has become more profound due to the patriarchal society of the Chinese people.


Due to the past discrimination, Chinese people often performed less in politics, but they performed very well in business, entrepreneurship, commerce and trade.


A Chinese child will tend to go to private and high-quality Catholic, Christian or international schools. It is almost natural for these children to have a strong network when they grow up. They are entrepreneurs and professionals. In addition, Chinese culture attaches great importance to education and the future. Whether China is rich or poor.


Poor parents do almost everything for their children's education. It is like, "If I am poor as a parent, and if my child has a future, I will be very happy". Therefore, children will become professionals here, and some of them will move to other overseas countries for a better life.


Rich or middle-income parents will send their children to international schools or national plus schools, where courses are taught in English. You can imagine how great this child's network is.


It is normal for Chinese people to ask what your father does. So we know who to look for when we need it.


After graduating from high school, these children are usually sent overseas. Many of them will return to Indonesia with degrees, networks and knowledge from overseas. Most of them will continue their family business or entrepreneurship after working in other companies for 2 or 3 years.


In addition, we have another saying, "hutang budi dibawa mati", also known as reciprocity and friendship from generation to generation. So if someone helps you when you are in trouble, you may never be able to repay it. You will always be ready to help those people and their families.

除此之外,我们还有一个说法,“hutang budi dibawa mati”,也叫礼尚往来,世代友好。所以,如果有人在你困难的时候帮助你,你可能永远无法偿还,你将随时准备帮助那些人和他们的家人。

Suppose you are rich. Your mother will come to you and say, "You want to hire Bob's son, whose grandfather helped your grandmother in the past" (for example, 40 years ago, even before you were born, and more than the third generation)


Therefore, the network has become so close, based on trust, even for overseas Chinese (mainly Singapore).


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