
宁静致凡 2024-03-01 20:23:15






Learn to Be a Stream in a Vale

As a man, he knows well what is strong,

but remains soft as a woman,

like a stream in the world.

Being a stream in the world,

he will not lose his eternal virtue.

If his eternal virtue is not lost,

it can restore to a state as simple as a baby.

He knows well what is bright,

but he is content with staying in the dark, and

he becomes a model in the world.

Being a model in the world,

he will not lose his eternal virtue

and can restore to the inexhaustible state.

He knows well what glory is,

but maintains a humiliating status,

like a vale in the world.

Being a vale in the world,

he has sufficient eternal virtue

and returns to the original state of simplicity.

The Simplicity is scattered

and turned into instruments,

while the one who follows the divine law makes use of them,

and becomes the ruler.

So a mature system will not quit those who are moral.



四位译者对这句话的理解完全一致。Arthur Waley的译文是 He who knows the males, yet cleaves(stick fast) to what is female because like a ravine(deep, narrow valley), receiving all things under heaven. 可能是排版印刷问题,句子结构不完整。许渊冲的译文风格没有变化:Learn to be hard as man and remain soft as woman like a stream in the world.只是hard能否表达“雄”之意呢?我们译成了 As a man he knows well what is strong but remains soft as a woman, like a stream in the world.把strong与soft对应,比hard应该更合适。辜正坤的用词最男人(masculine):Though knowing what is masculine, you are ready to play the role of female and content to be a stream in the world.


“朴”,代表着抽象,“器”则反映了具体。我们对这句话的理解是:圣人善于把理论与实践相结合。所以,我们译成了The Simplicity is scattered and turned into instruments, while the one who follows the divine law makes use of them, and becomes the ruler. 辜正坤的解释与我们的理解一致:When Simplicity gets shattered and becomes materialized, the sage makes use of it to be the lord over other officials. 许渊冲的译文是Simplicity many be diversified into instruments. When a sage uses the instruments, he becomes the ruler. 说明英雄所见略同。然而,看看Arthur Waley的译文:Now when a block is sawed up it is made into implements; but when the Sage uses it, it becomes Chief of all Ministers. 姑且不论block这个词是否准确,it能变成chief of all ministers吗?

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