
宁静致凡 2024-03-12 03:34:10





Enough Is Enough

The divine law is always nameless and simple.

Although it is too small to be seen,

no one in the world can make it obey.

If the rulers can govern the world

in accordance with the principle of the divine law,

all things will naturally submit to him.

The combination of Yin and Yang between heaven and earth

will bring down sweet dew,

and people will naturally get the average without orders.

To govern the world,

it is necessary to formulate various systems

and determine all kinds of titles.

Now that we have titles,

there must be some restrictions,

and that's a limit.

Knowing the limits,

one has no danger.

Just like the sea to which all rivers and streams flow,

the divine law prevails in the world,

so all things are subject to it.



“臣”的意思是“使之服从”;宾:“服从”。辜正坤分别译成了“be subject to”、“bring …under subjection”;许渊冲译成“subdue(使服从)”、“be subject to”;可以看出,两者翻译相近。对于“臣”,Waley忽略不译,将“宾”译成了“flock to do them homage(效忠)”,单词有点生僻。我们经过权衡,则译成了“make it obey”、“submit(使服从) to”。


许渊冲译成“When heaven and earth mingle, sweet dew will fall”; 辜正坤译成“When Yin and Yang between Heaven and Earth unite, sweet dew will fall”; Waley译成“Heaven-and-earth would conspire to send Sweet Dew”; 前面章节已论述过“天地”的有关翻译,在此不再赘述。一则,关于“相合”一词,三位译者分别译成了“mingle”(form a mixture with sth)、“unite”(cause people or things to become one)和“conspire”(make secret plans with others),总感觉用词不尽完美。我们认为只有天地的相融合(combine)才能带来甘露(sweet dew),也就是天地和谐,万物才能平安,百姓才能安居乐业,所以我们译成了“The combination of Yin and Yang between heaven and earth will bring down sweet dew”。


本章中,“名”的意思是名分,也就是官职的等级名称。另三位译者都把“名”直译为“names”,总感觉词不达意。所以,我们用了“title”(word used to show a person's rank, occupation, etc)一词,吻合度较高。

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