
宁静致凡 2024-06-03 11:24:39





The Sage Will Do No Wrong

It is wise to know that you do not know everything.

It is bad to think you know when you do not know.

The wise sage has no shortcomings

because he regards them as faults.

Therefore, he will not make mistakes.


1. “知不知,尚矣”的英译

各大译本对“知不知,尚矣”的理解基本一致,译法和用词却各有区别。许渊冲译作“It goes to know what you do not know.”。辜正坤译作“Knowing one’s ignorance of certain knowledge is the best attitutde”,即“知道自己对某些知识是无知的是最好的态度。”Arthur Waley译作“To know when one does not know is best.”即“知道自己不知道什么是最好的”。本书译作“It is wise to know that you do not know everything.”表达简单达意。

2. “圣人不病,以其病病”的英译

各大译本对这一句的理解基本一致,唯一不同的就是遣词造句上存在差异。许渊冲译作“Since you know what is wrong, so you will not be wrong”,即“你既然知道问题出在哪里,你就不会犯错”。辜正坤译作“The sage is of no shortcoming, because he considers shortcoming as shorcoming”,即“圣人没有缺点,是因为认识到了自己的缺点。”Arthur Waley译作“Only he who recognizes this disease as a disease can cure himself of the disease.”,即“只有他承认自己有病,才能将自己医治好。”本书译作“The wise sage has no shortcomings because he regards them as faults.”即“有道的圣人没有缺点,因为他把缺点当作毛病。”我们的译本和辜正坤的译本相似,用词取意尽可能忠实于原文。

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